essel, bent his steps towards a shop devoted to sailors' clothing ready-made,
d and rather dark, the windows, which were few, being
eyes sparkled with the greed of gain, and he had a long, hooked nose like the beak of a bird, which would not have been[73] considered too small a
ty, and with his face wreathed in smiles, the i
dall," he exclaimed; "perhaps
t y
soon. I hope you have h
y so, Mr.
n the city, or have you
gain. We sailors don't have a chance
lors as my friend, Mr. Randall. B
y to Val
the Indies or Sandwich I
you start,-don't you want something in my line? I sh
hat Moses said to prett
w things. I will p
re, where he selected a variety of articles, which he
es were completed, "I shall require a small
ith you we could have fur
e difficulty in the
t know he
one scraggy finger to the side of his nos
Now tell me what shall
ld only s
hat would be likely to fit him
uld you require
tes would
an hour or two. By the way, I shall want a small che
at var
ne will answer. Have your bill made out for
s and thanks, the trade
him at[76] eleven o'clock. Charlie, who was always punctual to his appointme
my boy," said Randall
you punctual. Are y
r, quite
ide him to one or two places of public interest, with which he was already more famili
lad," said he, "t
ught s
de you t
; but I can genera
ying at the wharf, and I have[77] just thought of a bundle I want brought from the ship. If you wil
cer, and he thought it possible his companion might be willing to explain to him the use of some parts which he did not yet understand. A
policy, located near the wharves. It was not a general clothi
," said Randall, pausing bef
You will see where we s
ado, and followed Randall in. He looked about him with some curiosity, not observing that he
rward to m
o you?" asked the m
at the
nk you will be a
e is a little smaller than t
and a precise fit isn't quite so important on the quarter-deck as it might be
yellowish tusks, which were evide
made out
e it
, will you pick out such cl
, the dealer hurried to the rear of the shop, and commenced
, and again he came out to
said, in a low v
bill. As to the chest, you may send it on board t
Randall. Have you no fu
ve not,
our shop when you
t forge
de to my voyage," said Randall, in a low voice,
o[80] means improved the expression
'll go on board the vessel. Have
myself, but I never had any one
s lost upon our hero at the time, though he afterwards recalled it,
Charlie, considering
the vessel, which, though Charlie knew it not, was