rgument of the orthodox Christian re
d from their previous state of celestial bliss, placed under the law, mad
y begotten Son, for its redemption and to establish the kingdom
ctual who have studied transcendental philosophies with their niceties of logic
nue in error for mil47lennia. When the Western Mystery Teaching is stripped of its exceedingly illuminating explanations and detail
se of existence where he is under the law of decrepitude and death. Also it is truly the mission of Christ to aid mankind by elevating them to a more ethereal state where dissolution will no longer be necessary to free them from vehicles that have grown too hard and set for further use. For this is indeed a "
institution of48 marriage had its beginning and will also have its end. The commencement was described by the Christ when He said, "Have ye not read that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said: For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and clea
vide new instruments to take the place of those which had been ruptured by death; and when death has once been s
uman body is complete. We are thus supposed to be "at the fount and origin of life!" But life has neither beginning nor end, and what science mistakenly considers the fountain of life49 is really the source of death, as all that comes from the womb is destined sooner or later to reach the tomb. The marriage feast which prepares for birth,
ertain plants of today. The efforts of the vital body to soften the dense vehicle and keep it alive were not then interfered with, and these primal, plantlike bodies lived for ages. But man was then unconscious and stationary like
hicle lost by death. But as the two50 poles of a magnet or dynamo are requisite to manifestation, so also two single-sexed beings became necessary for generation; thus marriage and birth were necessarily inaugurated to offset
l states in his letter to the Hebrews that man was made for a little while inferior to the angels; he descended lower into the scale of materiality during the Earth Period, while the angels have never inhabited a globe denser than ether. As we build our bodies from the chemical cons
to perpetuate the race, of course, but the true marriage is a51 companionship of souls also, which altogether transcends sex. Yet those really able to meet upon that lofty plane of spiritual intimac
come tense, and nervous energy is expended at a suicidal rate, so that after such an outbreak the body may sometimes be prostrated for weeks. The hardest labor brings no such fatigue as a fit of temper; likewise a child conceived in passion und
contentment lengthens the life of any one who cultivates this quality, and we may safely reason that a child conceived under con
tion. But when we understand the chaste references of the Bible to the act of generation, the connection is readily perceived. While the insensitive Negro or Indian mother may bear her child and shortly afterward resume her labors in
e no such care with respect to the selection of a father or mother for our children. We mate upon impulse and regret it at our leisure, aided by laws which make it all too easy to enter or leave the sacred bonds of matrimony. The words pronounced by minister or judge are t
it will enable two people to blend their characters in such a manner that a love life may be lived, and it will indicate the periods when interplanetary lines of force are most nearly conducive to painless parturition. Thus it will enable us to draw from the b
ty and the veil of misunderstanding, we may be sure that the love of soul for soul, purged of passion