ce of divine leaders, and how they were eventually brought out of the water into a clear a
ariously colored light was differently absorbed by each. Thus diversity was inaugurated, when mankind went through the mighty arch of the rainbow with its variegated and beautiful colors. That bow may therefore be considered an entrance gate to "the promised land," the world as now constituted. Here the light of God is70 no longer an insipid single tint as in early Atlantis. The present dazzling pl
union of hydrogen and oxygen to the production of water; and as surely as emergence from the watery atmosphere of Atlantis into the airy environment of Aryana, the world of today, promoted further segregation into separate nations and individuals, who war and prey
rted remembrance of that fact. Those ships actually did founder upon mountain tops where the atmosphere was too rare to sustain them. Today our ships float upon the element in which the Atlantean ships were at one time immersed. We have now contrived various means of propulsion able to carry us over the highlands of the earth which we occupy at present, and are co
electricity, which we have partially harnessed. The law of gravity still holds us in its powerful grip, although by mechanical means we are trying to escape into the new element. We shall at a not72 distant time attain to mastery of the air, but as the ships of the Atlanteans foundered upon the mountains of the earth
d be spared many delusions and much uneasiness concerning the time of this. Whole sects have disposed of their belongings in anticipation of the advent of Christ on a certain day, and have suffered untold privations afterwards. Schemers have passed themselves off as Christ or even as God, have married, raised families, and died, leaving their sons, who
g to the most precocious among mankind. It may therefore be regarded as a detriment when an organization undertakes to graft a Hindu religion (which is excel
eek word used for "world" meaning "order of things" rather than our planet, the
oes not say as in the English translation, "There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body." I Cor. 15:44. He affirms that there is a "soma psuchicon," a soul body, and tells in the preceding verses how this is generated from a "seed" in the same way as explain
toriety to such schemers, though regarding them as a joke as well they may, for it would be preposterous to believe that the great and wise Being who guides e
day. Conditions there were exceptionally congenial and attractive so that, as declared by various scholars who have investigated the matter, Galilee was as cosmopolitan as Rome itself. It was, in fact, the "melting pot" of that day
ree great races. One, the Negro, has hair which is flat in section, and the head is long, narrow, and flattene
air is round in section, and the orbits of their eyes are
of the eyes, these features being especially pronounced in
are being amalgamated. It has been ascertained that here there is a difference in children belonging to the same family. The
t came from the most cosmopolitan part of the civilized world of 2000 years ago, it would be but logical to expect that if a new embodiment were sought for that exalted Being,76 His bo
d their plans come to naught. Meanwhile, progression continues to bring us nearer the Aquarian Age,