img With Links of Steel, Or, The Peril of the Unknown  /  Chapter 7 A STRATEGIC MOVE. | 31.82%
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Word Count: 2781    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

knocks, and it required more than one to put

the blow received from Rufus Venner, and he fell to taking the measure

g upon the floor of a dark room. That he was in the dwell

discovered a narrow thread of light some yards away and close to the fl

my case, and deciding what to do with me. If they are there, I must get a better look at those tw

e himself. In which case, by Jove! I was right in thinking tha

ty. If not, what sort of a game hav

the various possibilities

us Venner, as well as Cervera, might be in league with the diamond ga

ore's identity, and without any serious suspicions of Cerver

are afraid that I shall foil some scheme they have in operation, or are about to undertake.

me to be a little foxy. I will see if I can c

e thread of light near the floor, Nick quietly turned upo

, when the sharp, metallic ring of Ce

curtly commanded. "See if that

umble servant!

former position on the floor

lood of light, and a man strode into the room and d

Nick roughly by the shoulder. "Brac

ply, then slowly

ead!" he muttered, lik

"You're dead lucky to have a head left

be! Wher

d out where you

d Venner, from the next

head to reply, and Nick then obt

l in disguise! One of the diamond gang, sure e

" cried Stall, in reply to Venner.

Cervera, sharply. "Get the wre

cisely what

lower, and released t

t!" he then growle

lf to be raised to his feet, and Stall then supported him and ur

certainly presented a wretched appearance. He blinked confusedly, glanced down at his

r table. Upon it lay most of the woman's jewels and diamonds, evidently lately removed, and presenting in th

dead outside. Now, in the bright light of the room, Nick instantly recognized him to be Dav

ever, being content to await developments

entioned; and Nick was compelled to infer that Venner might indeed

stood swaying slightly on the floor; and Cerv

creant, what can yo

ending to pull himself t

s that'

ave you got me here, and

ra, with vicious asperity. "What we

growled, waiting to learn which

ervera. "You'll find that

hance to sleep in your

Kilgore, fiercely. "You


dded, with her eyes emitting a gleam as fiery as the blazing

u thin


oped s

sh Spaniard, "that the bullet of my wat

you say the word," put in Mat

luff. This one might be all right and on the level, he reasoned, yet there still existed the possibility t

don't you hand me over to the

no ready reply, and Nick promptly decided that he wa

them have all the rope they wanted, and to meet them with a counter-move-that of boldly declaring his own identity, and so di

r counter, and Nick

e, if you think I'm a thief?" he re

? That you may square yourself in some way, or make your

let me go before learning what I suspect.

dded. "In my country we have a surer

queried Ni

a! The

'em o

he po

een the ribs

s what you

y it on me," declare

be too su

sure enou

a passionate sneer. "Caramba! we'd plant your miserable bones where t

t fear that


Se?ora C

with a vicious display of scornful resentment. "Not kill you? I've a m


the knife were at my throat," said he, "y

onate, dark eyes fiercely blazing. "I'll have

and would be r


all explain my conduct, and also implore your own pardon, se?ora, for having made you the mark of

enner sharpl

he cried. "What

ng straight up in his chair and reaching for

atural voice, at the same time raising his bound hands to remove his

lowers!" yelled Venner. "Y

guise upon the table. "Plainly, Venner, you are great

e, since he could not yet determine just

th were now convinced that Nick did not recognize them, nor even suspect that he himself had been recognized-and

found apology. I did you the injustice to suspect you, not only of being a thief, but also of being ident

sped Cervera. "

Nick quickly went on to explain, thus putting his own strategy on a solid basis. "I shadowed you from the theater to-nigh

at you were a stranger to me, and so pardon my unworthy misgivings. It is impossible that you, Se?ora Cervera, co

ery presence of Kilgore, if known to him, seemed utterly absurd; and the eyes of both Kilgore and Mat

ly have had a close call, and are lucky to come out of it with a whole skin. These two men are

an was lying, or was really as blind as his words implied. Content to

that I bear the se?ora's watchmen no ill will for having done their duty as they saw it. Se?or

p from laughing aloud, so blinded

s in my employ, and is really a royal good friend, I am sure that you w

orced, and there was in her evil, black eyes a gleam he did not lik

," she cried, smiling up at Nick. "But I am afraid, Detective Carter, that you wi

glanced at the display

her house, se?ora, bold men and vigilant bu

e, sir; ind

chmen also, to show them I bear no resentment. After which I will take

e fully intended to finally land behind prison bars. Then he bowed himself out of the room, and was accom

ed on the edge of the table, with his false beard in his han

fe, that man must be watched. He is a man to be feared-constantly feared

contemptuously. "Of cou

ed brow. "I tell you, Venner, that he must be watched, and we must be gua

reventing it," cried Cerver


gleaming white teeth. "You were fools to have misse

to come!" Kilgor

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