marked to Chick, stirred with a flood of
rl found dead i
o, by what mysterious means? What had been
l selected that sequestered seat in the park, and there deliberately committed suicide
y had he deserted her? What signified the pin-punctured wrapping
lue? Had the girl been robbed of them, and
t to leave the girl that fateful afternoon? Was he respons
left the girl alive and well, and
the robbery committed at Venner's store? Was there, between the two crimes, some extraordi
n order to consider them before taking any decided action in the matter, Nick had kept to himse
discussing the conflicting circumstances, a message was received from police headquarters, inf
et something to work upon. I will go and qu
eans," no
n between this girl's death and that robbery at Venner's store. I believe that we have s
th a grimace. "I am beastly tired of
augh of his invariab
Chick. "I'd welcome any sort of stir and danger,
y word for it, as soon as we once more g
eed it," grinned Chick.
d then murdered, and the fact that Harry Boyden is the clerk who brought the stolen diamonds to Venne
roached the residence of the famous detective, and a servant presently
nced at
"I know no lady named Violet
ou adm
n the lib
er presently. Request he
ry. As he entered the attractively furnished room his visitor quic
and though her sweet face, then very pale and distressed, struck
arter?" she hurriedly, inquired
one so timid and distressed as this g
"What can I do for you? Y
e to you in despair, a girl without friends or advisers, and who knows not whither to turn. I have been
etic flood of words w
way. "Resume your chair, please. Though I am somewhat press
ank you
order that we may ac
fer? What is the occasion
d her agitation an
this afternoon. Nor is that all, Detective Carter. A very dear friend of mine, named Harry Boyde
mmediate incre
not then exhibit any knowledge of the case, he proceeded to question her with his own ends in
ive, Miss Page?
ing relatives, and for about two years have employe
rl ment
The fact that we both are orphans cr
son of much me
ember of the big vaudeville troupe, which lately disba
ght I had seen you before. I happened to hea
tered," observed Chick, who
back to
Page, that Boyden cannot have
y incapable of committing such a crime," cried Violet, with much feeling.
u sure
ur relations
ge of red dispelling the paleness of her pretty c
oughtfully. "How long have you
n years
to form quite a reliable
ve Carter, I know that Harry Boyden is far above any
ictured in her ever changing expression. Nick was inclined to feel that her opinion of Boyden was worthy of ver
aged to Boyden generally know
We have said no
ny person who knows of the engagement, or who suspects it, that w
Violet, with a look of horror. "I
ing the attentions of
d Violet. "That
so, yet I really might ha
r-don't think I mean that. In my profession one is obliged to be on friendly terms with a great many persons, both men
orced upon you, I imagine?" said Nick, inquiringly
imes," Violet de
ick saw that he had caught up the thre
ssively, "I now want you to answer
owed Violet, wit
pany, or one connected with the theater
ir; no
or admitted t
iged to repel the affection of a certain man. Yet, please don't infer, sir, that he has ever been ungentlemanly. He
s name?" demanded
nd Chick alread
his name, sir?"
sir, is Ruf
quickly, "Was there any member of the vaudev
o, sir. At least
at Chick and
the surfa
oubt of
ed and alarmed at thi
hing of which I am ignorant? Or
o her and gra
g wrong-far from it! But there is co
what do
ble to tell you," said Nick, rising. "I ha
rom a drawer the silver jewel casket w
s extended hand, and the eyes o
d to her feet, as p
e terror, rose from her lips and rang wi
elled Nick, with eyes ablaze. "By He