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Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 2212    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

On its upper side was a small railed platform or deck, from the centre of which rose a low turret provided with four bull's-eyes, from which an observer might g

k, through which a person wearing a diver's suit might leave the vessel while she was under water and return to her at will

oline engine. This furnished the motive power for running on the surface, and also stored electricity by which the screw could be turned when surface air was no longer available. Beneath the floor of the central compartment was a tank for water

f hope and courage, for Professor Rivers had been won to his cause by the enticing prospect of achieving the rescue of a young girl from a dreadful fate, and at the same t

ng the city garbage far out to sea. This scow was built with a long central pocket, the bottom of which was longitudinally divided into two parts. Each of these was hung on massive hinges, and

vement would have been watched and heralded, while the success of the proposed expedition depended upon its secrecy. Thus, at the very outset, the would-be rescuers seemed to be confronted by an insur

in it?" he suggested, after several other

ght into Havana harbour, and there offer the scow for sale to the Spaniard

rofessor thoughtfully. "Let us

llowing her free egress and exit. It would even float her when closed and half filled with water. Only a few alterat

the President of the Cuban Junta, Carl Baldwin arranged for the charter of the finest se

it at a moment's notice for any length of time. Thus, when he announced that he was about to devote a few weeks to the testing of his

ials and Spanish spies to see that no contraband cargo was taken aboard. Of course nothing of the kind was found; but this did not prevent a revenue cutter from escorting the tow down the r

etence of trying to sell that scow in Havana is only the baldest kind of a bluff. Any fool knows that those blooming Spaniards aren't going to put themselves to either the expense

the lieutenant took a long and compreh

see anything," he

r look. "I would have sworn, though, that I saw

surface to get her bearings, but she had instantly dived, nor did she a

il the tow, with its accompanying cutter, had passed out to sea. Then she followed, with her eyes just awash, and dove deep beneath the revenu

ensconced within the closed pocket of the great scow; "but a safe miss is

of the tug gruffly. "There's many a cruiser between here

enue officers, who did not leave her until she was again at sea; and all the while the poor little Mermaid was dodging ab

ced to seek safety at the bottom of the sea. This time she avenged herself by rising directly beneath the cruiser, and demonstratin

United States, and only eighty-five miles across the Gulf Stream from Havana, and finally, after many

n object of especial interest. Their fame had preceded them; every one knew that they were bound for Havana, and that they had been objects of suspicion all the way down the coast. So, before they cam

wharf covered with freight sheds, that extended out to deep water. Here, hidden in deepest shadow, she lay unobserved until nigh

es tinted in every shade of brown or yellow, jostled each other on the side-walks, all talking, singing, or laughing, with eager gesticulations. Electric lights gleamed among the softly nestling leaves of tall cocoa-palms. Open carriages, bearing cigarette-smoking men in white linen, gaudily-cl

he exulting throngs were most dense about the building occupied by an agent of the Cuban Junta, on a balcony of which the glad tidings were being read aloud fro

these, as our lads, having forced their

e a few words in so low a tone

slowly making its

, touched his cap respectfull

pted to pass the guard in their comp

your party, se?or

plied Carlos. "I ne

iously thrust back, and as he slunk away he muttered words that

n the shoulder he turned quickly and frowned at sight of a stranger. Again the lad whispered his magic formula, and in another moment the agent was embracing him with the fervour of a life-

d regained the street, the latter asked cu

or the express purpose of escorting us to Havana, and that, as soon as we

aldwin reflectively;

los Moranza; "only I'd like to

d I'll show you the trick,"

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