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Yule Logs

Yule Logs

Author: Various
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Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1910    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ho witnessed the experiment predicted that the Mermaid would revolut

unted by the sneers of those who scoffed, or the significant pity of his friends, was so overcome by his signal triumph that he fled from the congratulations of those who sough

West Moranza, was the only son of a Cuban sugar-planter, and an American mother who had died while he was still too young to remember her. From earliest childhood he had exhibited so grea

he latter's vast fortune. The elder Baldwin had founded the school in which his own son was now being educated, and placed a

had grown up with an abiding faith in its possibilities. That his chum was also enthusiastic concerning it constituted one of the strongest bonds of sympathy between them. Now that its complete success had been demonstrated by four hours of trial, during most of which time it had been man?uvred under water with a party of six distinguished engineers on board, Carl's elation was only litt

vast privilege. Of war, what a revolution will be made! Oh, if my poor country possessed but one of these marvels, how quickly would she be free! To destroy the ships of Spain and open t

take, and even if she were, we would not be allowed to use

scape the vigilance of the American cruisers, and manage to convey our marvel of marvels to the scene of a

o test the little craft in actual service

value to that of a free Cuba? That my father has sacrificed all but life itself for her is my proudest boast; that I may soon fight by his side, my fondest hope. Oh, if you cold-blooded Americans could but witness the cruelty, the oppression

ess them, and as Carl Baldwin's policy was to remain silent during these outbursts, t

dom had begun. Spanish armies devastated the fair island, killing its inhabitants, laying waste their fields, and

e sympathies of the American people were with them, and expeditions for their relief were constantly fitting out in the southern ports of the United States. Many of these failed to reach their destination, since international law compelled the Governmen

ved to be a safe retreat, had linked his fortunes with those who fought for liberty. He had quickly risen to the command of a Cuban army, and, as Ge

me a skilled engineer. In the meantime he could do much for the cause where he was, and must remember that to perfect himself in his chosen profession would be of greater value to Cuba than the winning of a battle. This stimulant was what made young Moranza one of the most brilliant scholars in the Baldwin Polytechnic; for

rofessor Rivers to report the safe housing of the Mermaid. The Professor was so buried in thought that for a few moments

e capable of single-handed and successful attack against a fleet? Until these questions are answered how may I know whether my lifework is a

?" suggested Carl wit

hough bewildered by the idea thus presented, and

just then, Carl Baldwin departed to tell his friend of the seed he had planted. To his dismay he found C

has happened?" inquired

replied the o

ed by the president of the Cuban Junta or War Com

. His daughter seized, imprisoned, and held for transportation to

venged. But for my sister, my own little Catina, in prison, at the mercy of those brutes, and consigned to

Mermaid. Even now he is inclined to consider some such undertaking. And when he reads this message he will be as ready to set forth as you or I. Oh yes, my

and the latter looking into the brave blue eyes, now blaz

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