ilence in mid darkness, the exasperation in Adam's face. She sat up rapidly. Adam, she remembered. Where was he? Was he okay? She felt her head spin as she tried to sta
n. He was being hit by three or four men, he was unarmed and defenseless. He was trying to fight back but there were too ma
t ear. He wore a bracelet on his right hand, those medical bracelets that informed the public that he had some kind of disease. Diabetes, she recalled, Diabetes type A. His name was. . . she tried to remember as it happened. He blocked her and she tried ru
woman cry out. "You can't
to stop them, but other men were holding on to me enabling me to move. I tried screaming for help, until I heard shots being fired, two shots, and Adam was o
re safe." Her mother tried to c
e's A
that was what knocked you out. You will still feel dizz
is Ada
tood on the doorway of her
do you
almly. "He die
survived such wounds. "No, not Adam, " she cried as she felt her wor
Jack. He worked for her father. She remembe
ed. Her father froze. "You
with the world-" her f
rupted. "I saw Jack, your 'butler', he w
, she couldn't stand seeing his face much longer. "Get out!!" She grabbed a pillow and threw it at her father, "Get out! Get out! Get out!" Her mother tried holding her down, but the rage had given her an unknown strength. "I don't want to see you ag
it was still dark. "Here drink this." Her mother hands her a mug of hot green tea, she grabs it hesit
e does or doesn't do, it comes. But sometimes, if she was very tired, she would fall asleep t
red what I said?"
r support, but her mother had come up with suggestions that had become crazier by the minute. She know
r mother
oing to a m
ybe it's Adam who wants
don't think I could stand with the idea of him not being in pea
Then I will tell you
our money in something like t
. "I was just trying to help." She
very grateful, " Ana M
eah. Goo
ng could trigger them. In her case, darkness always brought her back to that day. The doctor had said that with time, these images will lessen, but five years had gone by and she still felt like it had happened yesterday. Ana Marie opens the curtains of her room a
verything. She didn't argue when Ana Marie decided to drop her plans of getting a master's degree in Nursing after Adam's death. She encouraged her to move back into he
s up at
ks to herself, because it helps her mind unwind. "Someday, you and I will meet again. And it will be like not a day has come between us." S