img The Sunken Isthmus  /  CHAPTER II. IN WHICH THE PROJECT IS UNDERTAKEN | 16.67%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1686    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

e time. He proceeded at once to a

ine shops of Frank Reade, Jr. At that early hour he

wed-off, comical little darky,

n' fo' yo' fo' two days, sah. He am in his offi

id Wade, alighting from hi

y. He was about to enter a small brick buil

mug, dancing blue eyes and a shock of red hair

ntlemin himsilf. Top av the day to ye

the scientist. "A

aph office wid a message from Misther Frank for yez

as about t

s s

waiting," declared Wade. "I


re, high-ceiled room, hung with curious looking charts a

a rare type of intellectual features, a

ting out his hand. "I was

ientist. "I am more than s

; you are quite re


there in the tank. All we have to do is to go aboar



t exi

marine voyage; but there is good

he World's Society are a bit incredulous. We


pot in a real submarine boat, they thought I was daft or

k la

know me?"

led a large measure of doubt in their minds right off.

sed Fran

ements of success in your project. You can afford to sn

ook forward with the keenest of pleasure to exploring the water

and start with the early morning light. The Sea Diver l

sure," rep

ssing through this, another and larger yard was seen. I

ated the new

hich led down to the river. It was thus an easy matter to s

at. The latter picked out his stateroom and m

get my trunks. Then I will take up my q

k. "We will sail at an e

arney and Pomp. He told these two s

n readiness; there

cked his head and threw a handspring

e chance, Marse Frank," cried

iated with all the thrilling experiences of

e been able to fill their places. Barney was an expert engineer and e

lt at a loss for entertainment while in their c

ull of fun as a nut is of meat. Consequently there was nothing they enjoy

been taken seriously, there would have been good gro

of the Sea Diver. Besides Barney and Pomp, t

in readiness for the early start. It is safe to

Pomp were f

unced by Pomp, Frank and Wade came tumbling out. Then

nd the 6boat was locked down into the cana

his finger upon an electric button and di

a great throng upon the river banks. Thousands of people w

e Sea Diver appeared. Down the

ere passed, and in due course the river widene

arine cruise w

Sea Diver ran. Frank sti

ster and easier there. There would b

Diver was set for

f the sea was on every hand. The horizon was at times dotted with

ne morning as the voyagers tumbled out on deck Frank noted that t

like a cork. There was no que

and pattering drops of rain fell. Distant

was something of a sailor, "that

ith you,"

iver is well able to cop

it gets too rough on the surf

would never feel

at is that? On my word, I believ

arance of a large schooner-yacht. There was no doubt

ly," cried Wade. "Can s

l fer the loikes av this breeze," crie

rried every rag of canvas. Thi

r else ignorant of the proper course of safety.

ere in a bit of a quanda

assistance. Prudence, however, asserte

e to leave the schooner and would all pile aboard the Sea Diver. This would be a

oments, then he said,

cannot conscientiously r

ied Wade. "We ough

but even as his fingers touched the

e," he cried.<

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