img The Sunken Isthmus  /  CHAPTER IV. A WONDERFUL NARRATIVE | 33.33%
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Word Count: 1694    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

as Wilbur Wade. He rushed to the rail, strainin

, excitedly. "I was sure we had no

nt but a few miles, was flyi

human, indeed, not to have responded. The

rchlight was focused upon the vessel

ied Wade, eagerly;

n within fifty yards of the disabl


chooner!" r

acht is

s not a

rpedo cru

arine boat, the Sea Diver, Captain Fra

a moment

rprised v

at? Do you mean


ats me! Where

questions," shouted Fran


raft ar

Poole. We are bound for the Yucatan Channel, but this storm has taken away

ess in any other


help you. We wish you s

m interested in your statement about your craft. I will send off a bo

was su

you mean?

n later. Look

moment. Then he tu

s about?" he asked. "Is it wor

't you remember what he said? He is

aimed Frank, with

bound to become involved in our project. S

rank. "Yet I cannot see how his trip to

like to go aboard the s


to lie by and wait for their return. Then he put on a ligh

ounding over the waves toward

ached the gangw

his is the Meta's boat wa

s he slid down into the boa

oarsmen were rowing them

mount the gangway and meet the captain

lanterns he was seen to be possessed of a dark, stern cast of

ook h

presume?" asked the

resume, is Captain Poole? I have broug

Wade a crit

ome," he said. "Co

wed the schooner's captain. The cab

and Wade noted

d even Poole himself 14carried arms.

hese seas-this could but be regarded as very stra

in Wade had an opportun

note thos


cranks o

hardly restr

d. "Keep your eyes open. We wil

oole motioned them to seats

cabin lamp. As his visitors thus got a good lo

almost lik

t he had never seen a man of

nd burning with a strange light. He wore a sharp imperial and pointed must

he thorough type of the villain. Su

, who seemed like a portrait from a piratical past. P

fate which has thrown us together in this way, for I am

little surprise; "I shall b

, with a crafty smile. "It concerns my miss


to size up our peculiar appearance. Is it not true

ought much about th

in these times. The days of Morgan, the rover, and Kidd, th

less. They could do nothin

in his sat

on board this yacht for any nefarious purpose. Your statement that you were the possessor of a sub

s born in that island, of Yankee parents. I was some years ago the posses

aving married a Spanish lady. We were never good fr

gging for alms in Naples. He was a rogue, was Alfonso, but had no he

le in the sea and described the location of a buried treasure upon that isle. Millions in Peruvian gold had been buried ther

lished and a fortune reaped. Alfonso had great faith in my sagacity, and deemed it possi

found a certain one which, by soaking the vellum, raised the obliterated figures and made them perceptible to t

scovery. But for a time it seeme

re in a quandary. But at length we found Signor Barboni, a merchant of Palermo, who lent us his as

ed at once and began to search for the

d we had, as we believed, almost reached the gold. A bit of eart

us a hundred or more savage C

was brained by one of the savages. Signor Barboni was the next victim. We fought

calm was on the sea, however, and there we lay until nig

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