img Rabbit: A Talent Mark Novel  /  Chapter 2 Rabbit: A Talent Mark Novel | 8.70%
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Chapter 2 Rabbit: A Talent Mark Novel

Word Count: 3349    |    Released on: 13/03/2018


nd sense of relief that she toweled off and dressed in the fresh clothes. She made sure her pouch was well concealed beneath her clothing and gathered her dirty clothes to go into the basket. She frowned as she

mountains, carrying snow and whipping the sea into a frenzy of white peaks. She thought of the ice she would have to break on the water basin in the morning just to wash her face. The little

ribbon to tie off the end of the braid. Harmony showed her how to drain the basin and then had her rinse out the tub before the

nd a tray of assorted savory and sweet snacks had been wheeled in while she bathed and she tried not to eye it hungrily. Harmony poured the tea, handed a cup to her and indicated

. "In the past our Lord has purchased other girls with the talent. Several of them reside here with me.

nt because they chose to be or because of an unfamiliarity with our language. They have not felt the need to explain their silence, n

ame suit you or is there another one I should call

ll then from now on you will be known as R

clothing. Perhaps the other girls chose to keep the names given them on their journey here. So here I will be calle

d Tessian. You will be expected to do so as well. Do you understand?" The newly named Rabbit nodded somewhat hesitantly. She mentally ran through the list of skills she ha

use. Slowly, she held out her wrist, turning her mark upward. Harmony leaned over the mark and stared at it for a

orning, after the morning meal, we will take you to the work areas and see where your skills lie." Harmony smiled again and Rabbit realized the older woman was trying to win her trust. She h

the foreseeable future. In addition to the parlor, library and well room, the suite featured a secondary less f

rsonalized each area of the room. Here a cloth doll leaned against a pillow. There was an embroidery piece still only half finished. Five of the beds had been personalized. One had not.

you have a place to store your belongings." Rabbit looked at the empty box at the foot of her be

wearing them so that Badger can have her things back.

e you here to rest until the other girls return?" Harmony patted Rabbit's shoulder gently and left her alone. Rabbit thought about looking at the other beds to

ully; making the first audible sound she had allowed herself since her capture. The cage ponytail man had kept her in had not allowed for stretching out,

She yawned hugely and felt her jaw pop in response. She shut her

e of the upper fields with her younger cousins, Vanessa and Rebecca. The sun was warm on their skin but not hot. Summer's heat had broken, but fall had yet to fully claim dominance. Whi

tle girls watched she brought forth heat to her hands and the glass began to liquefy into a small pool, bright as blood. She deftly maneuvered the molten glass, stretching and shaping it wi

r between her fingers, infusing it with heat and stretching it into a long thin pin. While both the pin and flower were still warm, she pressed the metal into th

id. Nessa rubbed the still

rn pink. As they grew, the pink would darken to red and the red would darken to the same color brown as the freckles that danced across their cheeks. Nessa's marks were in the shape of a small b

anything?" Becca, always the shyer of the two reached into h

her wrist showing a small bowl shape with three squiggly lines inside indicating water.

stone did not pool up the way the glass had, as stone resisted the heat more. Instead, it softened like clay and N

pinned it on the younger girl's blouse. Norah started to speak, to suggest that they could perhaps go and see

t the little girls had not. She knew they were not too far from one of the retreats. If the girls could get there before the raiders, they would be safe. She told them

the girls towards, but in the direction of a second retreat. It was further, but she just might make it. Her feet flew over the ground, her skirts whi

and a bag pulled over her head. The raiders didn't know what her abilities were and they would take no chances of her using what she could against them. She bumped her head on a rock when she was tackled so she was somewhat dazed as they

girls' voices in

ftly. The words were those of the outlanders, but the

g the broad flat vowels found near the marshes. "It will be time for the m

first voice responded. Norah blinked awak

.' The faces swam into focus and she sat up. The oth

to eat soon." She was promised. "I'm Badger, " the girl introduced herself. She had sleek brown hair tied back with a simple bow and allowed to fall nearly to her waist. Rabbit estimated Badger wa

thought. Rabbit nodded at Badger showing she understood.

er and had brown hair as well but where Badger's was smooth and sleek, hers was a riotous

e girl from the mar

ne just calls me Tor. And that is Robin, " Tor pointed to the last girl whose hair was a strawberry blon

ng her feet over the side of the bed. She reached for and pulled on her boots. Some of her hair had pulled from the braid as she slept and the other girls wat

d a path for her. The basin was empty and it had a small plug in the bottom, the same way the bath had the day before. There was a pitcher in the

irls they had completed their morning abolitions earlier. Rabbit nodded her thanks to Tor and stretched th

cher before bed so that we can all

his little group. She mentally shrugged. At the moment her full bladder was of more concern. As she started looking around again Badger guided her in the appropriat

ng what the day would bring. A bell chimed and everyone

placed. Rabbit's stomach rumbled again, much to her embarrassment. Harmony was already seated at the table and smiled as the girls arrived. Each girl took a seat. Rabbit hung

nsist of a porridge like substance and some kind of yellow cakes. There was both honey and cream to add to the porridge and s

use said in a voice barely above a whisper

hers was the only voice not heard. There was talk at the table but it was subdued and Harmony's voice was the lead as she encouraged the others to make Rabbit f

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