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Chapter 5 Rabbit: A Talent Mark Novel

Word Count: 1676    |    Released on: 13/03/2018


n Lord Tessian's mind, Harmony was called back

ou must always use the best of your abilities for him?" Again Rabbit nodded. Harmony seemed pleased with her complian

rmony led her down the hall and back to the work room. Rabbit moved back to her empty work station as Harmony took stock of the other girl's progress. She made notations in a small bo

, fresh pitcher of water is waiting so that you will not over heat." Rabbit nodded. Harmony was once again in

ch was sitting on a pile of folded material. On the lids of each basket was a stenciled animal. A tortoise, a mouse, a badger, a rabbit and two separate

al for each of you to have a new dress." Harmony continued to smile as the girls offered their thanks. Rabbit nodded politely and smiled. She notic

ld her as they each went towards their assigned ba

asket but Rabbit had expected that. The material was of a good quality and apparently someone with taste had picked out the colors for the material as they each suited the girl to whom it was given. The material she was given was a deep green that compl

ay as Mouse retrieved the box of patterns from one of the cabinets and they began to debate style. From the mix Rabbit chose a fairly simple

had the feeling that her choice was not considered the height of fashion. Rabbit decided not to worry. After all it was better to have Badg

et up for dinner. Rabbit opened the box at the foot of her bed, realizing that Harmony was right, she now had things to place inside the storage compartment. Looking inside she found her old dress, clea

rned and dominated the room. Harmony sat facing them as they filed in. Rabbit was pleased to see

suspected boar as it had a somewhat earthy flavor. The meal also featured potatoes and fluffy biscuits. The meat was both tender a

nt to their room to pick up their sewing things. Rabbit wondered if they were being kept out of sight because the entire kitchen staff was afraid of them or be

Sheomon and she figured the collection made sense if Harmony was supposed to keep them healthy and productive. It was not one of these books that Harmony chose but o

ftly murmured assent from the other girls and Rabbit lifted an eyebrow, wondering what was about to begin. "Good, "

to as the Baronies of Heldan from the settled lands of the east. The local barbarians referred to this new land as Drum

it looked at Badger. The girl slowly dropped her gaze to her pattern and material and continued working. Rabbit returned to her work and as she carefully pinned what would become a sl

lless ones came from the east like a second plague, swallowing land beneath the feet of their soldiers as the previous plague had swallowed lives. T

mony's words. Harmony spoke of the Ghada as though they were barbarians and in no way tied

civilization. Rabbit thought of the well room where she had bathed. Harmony said the first Barons built it, but now

urce, lining it with stone to keep it clear. Then someone like Rabbit would have shaped the outer housing, insuring there were no cracks in the stone, making it seamless. Someone marked by air would then have the duty to periodically check

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