img Beverly of Graustark  /  Chapter 8 THROUGH THE GANLOOK GATES | 25.81%
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Word Count: 2877    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

the mountains. Farther on there were signs of farming interests; the homes became more numerous and more pretentious in appearance. The rock-lined gorge broadened into a fertile valley; the road

Hawk and Raven. The feverish gleam in his dark eyes and the pain that marked his face touched her deeply. Suffering softened his lean, sun-browned features, obliterating t

k. It will be dark before we reach the gates, I know, but you have nothing to fear during the rest of the trip. Franz shall drive you

"I'll not permit it! Yo

will be the same as entering th

ou wouldn't talk like that. I ca

nderstand, yo

out here in the wilds, so what are the odds either way? Aunt Fanny, will yo

our highness. I am doing v

tongue utterly incomprehensible to Beverly took place between Baldos and his followers. The latter seemed to be disturbed about something, and there was no

ant?" she deman

for instruction

e said. "Tell them to hurry along

long harangue in which he was obdurate to the last, they l

" she anxiou

he said hopelessly. His eyes were moist and he co

hameless as that may seem to a man. You and you alone have t

ried, all

of Graustark were there to stay their fury. Your royal hand alone can t

m into the city it was decidedly probable that she might be taking him to his death. She only could petition, not command. Once at Yetive's side she was confident she could save the man who had done so much for her, but Ganlook was many miles from Edelweiss, and there was no assurance that intervention

at last, a shiver rushing over he

ly. "We can go no farther. The soldiers must be near, your highness. It means capture if we go on. I cannot expose my friends to the da

into the city. Tell them so and say that I w

he called his men together. Beverly looked on in wonder as these strange men bade farewell to their leader. Many of them were weepi

Beverly whispered, as th

kind to them, God be good to them," he half sobbed, his c

hispered. "Have

me in muffled tones fr

. Without a word she opened a small traveling bag and drew forth a heavy purse. This she pressed into the ha

the coach roll on into the dusky shadows that separated them from the gates of Ganlook, o

hough to himself. "I may never see them again-ne

Ganlook and I'll promise pardons for them

You are not to disturb them. B

heart began to fail her. This man's life was in her weak, incapable han

ers of yours?" he suddenly ask

rs?" she s

we should be able to approach within a mile of one of your most imp

scoffing, but it ma

odd, isn't it

that, your

id serenely, and he looked up in new surpris

ove the rattle of the wheels. It was too dark inside the coach to see the face of the man beside her, but something told her that he was staring intently into the night, alert and anxious. The responsibility of her position swooped down upon her like

me from Baldos, i

t know us-you, I m

ows everybody," he

dy he-" she started to say

udeness and curiosity than seemed respectful to a princess, to say the least. They saw a pretty, pleading face, with wide gray eyes and parted lips, but they did not bow in humble submission as Baldos

ut in English, with a cre

ered Baldos, in a voice so well disguised that it s

English," she said, at her wits' end, "I decline to be qu

ness?" he cri

is," she murmured, sinking back with the air of a q

k your language w

aldos leaned forward painfully and spok

d, a trifle harshly. The man's eyes flew w


s to the main gate at once, or you wi

ome by the lower pass and that she was eager to reach a resting-place at once. The convincing tone of the speaker and the regal indifference of the lady had full effect upon the officer, who had never se

, and he was considerably puzzled by the ardor of

ential for one who enjoyed the right to command these common soldiers. Her old trepidation returned with this brief answer.

ate of unhappiness. In the darkness she could feel the reproachf

a sudden inspiration seizing her. She would lay the whole matter before the great chief of police, and trust to fortune.

ould reply the officer in charge of the Ganlook gates appeared at the coach window. There were light

" she cried in English, utterly dis

can see no one," responded the good-l

?" she deman

l Goaz, the commandant. What

sir," she said, imperious once mor

nter the gate

this the way, sir, in which you add

s just as well that we conduct her to Baron Dangloss," he said at last. The deep meaning in his voice appealed only to the unhappy girl. "There shall be no further delay, your highness!" he added mockingly. A moment

but there were no audible remarks. Baldos followed, walking painfully but defiantly, and Aunt Fanny came last with the handbag. The guards grinned broadl

le derision in his voice and palpable insolence in his manner. Beverly flushed angrily. "Baron Dangloss is very curiou

ress. "And you will have nothing whatever to say to this very i

g her through the door that opened into the office of th

eded from the insolent fellow's face, for there was a world of prophecy in the way she said it. Somehow, he was in a much more

ed the office. His short beard bristled as though it were concealing a smile, but his manner was po

ge of fear was gone now that she had reached the line of battle. The doughty

aware of it," h

e, Baron Dangloss," she bo

so slightly. There was a shameless streak of dust across her cheek, but there was also a dimple t

everly Calhoun,

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