img Beverly of Graustark  /  Chapter 10 INSIDE THE CASTLE WALLS | 32.26%
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Word Count: 2739    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

ition. Beverly Calhoun, tired and contented, had slept soundly until aroused by the princess herself. Their rooms adjoined each other, and when Yetive, shortly after daybreak, stole into th

ngregated near the gates, tormenting a ragged old man who stood with his back against one of the huge pos

friends from the wi

hen she became thoroughly awake. "What are they doing t

my serva

should-Call to them! Tell 'em you'll cut their heads off if they

he clouds. A dozen pairs of eyes were turned upward; the commotion ended suddenly. In the window above stood two graceful, white-robed figu

k in dismay. "Let him alone! You, Gartz, see that he has food and drink, and without delay. Report to me later on, sir, and explain, if you can, why

ere giving it to them hot and heavy. Did you see how nicely old

verly. You forgot that yo

had quite forgotten i

f the Rallowitz palace ready for the start, the princess ca

e disturbance I witnessed t

was crazy, your highness. He had been tel

ure they w

ng, that it was he who drove your highness's coach into Ganlook last even

n, Gartz," she said, disti

he gasped, "you

incess into Ganlook last night.

hness," murmur

did he sa

ster is faring well and is satisfied to remain where he is. Also, he said that his master was sending him back into the mountains to assure his friends that he is safe and t

een foolish, sir. Sen

ur highness," in

n a daze, and for days he took every opportunity to look for other signs of mental disorder in the

ever to forget that picturesque morning. Baron Dangloss rode beside the coach until it passed through the southern gates and into the countryside. A company of cavalrymen acted as escort. The bright red trousers and top-boots, with the deep-blue jackets, reminded Beverly more than ever of the operatic figures she had seen so often at home. There was a fierce, dark cast to th

soldiers," crie

called upon to face death in the Dawsbergen hi

ss. Before they parted, Beverly extracted a renewal of his promise to take good care of Baldos. She sent a message to the injured man, deploring the fact that she was compelled to leave Ganlook without seeing him as she had promise

. Petersburg," reflected Yetive, making herself comfortable i

ocolate creams that we m

," ventur

said the

'Done' is the word," correc

nturesome wife would be a hopeless task. The way in which his face cleared itself of distress and worry was a joy in itself. To use his own words, he breathed freely for the

ce with Dawsbergen. At first he encountered trouble in trying to discover what had become of the princess. Those at the castle were aware of the fact that she had reached Ganlook safe

re. Lorry's only hope was that the reversal of feeling in Dawsbergen might work ruin for the prince. He was carrying affairs with a high hand, dealing vengeful blows to the friends of his half-brother and encou

authorities inside of sixty days we would declare war

ied Yetive. "I d

l be so disgusted with the new dose of Gabriel that it will do anything to avert a war on his account. We have led them to believe that Axphain will lend moral, if not physical, support to our cause. Give them two months in which to get over this tremendous hysteria, and they'll find their senses. Gabriel isn't worth it, you see, and down in

rney," she said, with one of her rare smiles. He shook his head gravely, an

" said Beverly Calhoun plaintively. "I'm awfully sorry. But, you must remember one thing, sir; I did not put her up to this ridiculous tr

x, the commander of the army in Graustark," said Lorry,

es," cried Yetive. "He has had five wives and survives

rly, but there came a time when she t

l leave Paris this week, if the baby's willing, and will be in Edelweiss soon. Y

d rendered his friend when they had first come to Graustark in quest of the princess; and both had a great regard for his w

orth to meet them. The afternoon was well on the way to night, and the ai

I have been brushing up on my grammar? I have learned the meaning of the word 'Graustark,' and it

etive, looking down the road. "See-the strange gray man in front there is our greatest general,

, of the Royal Guard. The count, lean and gray as a wolf, revealed rows of huge white teeth in his perfunctory smile of welcome, while young Quinnox's face fairly beamed with h

r. It was no uncommon thing for mothers to subdue disobedient children with the threat to give them over to the "Iron Count." "Old Marlanx will get you if you're not good," was a household phrase in Edelweiss. He had been married five times and as many times had he been left a widower. If he were disconsolate in any instance, no one had been able to discover the fact. Enormously rich, as riches go in Graustark, he had found young women for his wives wh

ng to manifest its joy in the most exuberant fashion. As they drew up to the gates the shouts of the people came to the ears of the travelers. Then the boom of ca

Jacob Fraasch, the chief steward of the grounds, with his men drawn up in line; upon the walls the sentries came to parade rest; on the plaza the Royal band was playing as though by inspiration. Then the

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