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Chapter 9 Lesson Learnt

Word Count: 1440    |    Released on: 08/08/2018

had just called her and invited Evan and her to a dinne

d assumed it was because Aiden adored her. She dedu

was the one who s

the dinner, Evan had the final say. Kristine


Seeing Kristine standing at the door way look

d... so we have been invited for dinne

"My... mentor, Mr. Long knows the man you kicked. He said that man wanted to be with me. As long

ything like true love, years ago, ' Evan thought, As he fiddled with his trimmed beard.


ine's kind request. What's more, it would be d

ty. On a daily basis, Evan watched or heard news headl

he was going to stick his nose in

play boy gave him

stopped at the parking area of Rising

d grandiose. There were rows of sedans, worth at least RMB Five

around the hotel gate the m

Long." She po


direction Kristine point

? Aren't you worried abou

t help rolling h

ghost beside him, she wouldn't

walked towards them and

ing for you for a long time. Are you Evan? Th

mpsing at Evan, from time to

youth, struggling to stand out and woul

u were, there would always be someone that

kept chiming in, inquiring about Aiden's disposition and thinking

, he had watched some movies with similar scenes. He knew

ile incompetent people tended to

ourceful enough to fix the matter. He couldn't help gr

ous, Evan thought she was a good woman. At

lendent hall and walked towards a

utside the door. Mr. Long opened the door, displayi

usted Mr. Long

ainment industry. As a prominent figure, Mr. Long was powerful enough t

t he didn't make any trouble for her after she declined his request. From t

as covered by red thick carpet and d

ablecloth with a light golden lace border. Three young men were sitting around the table. Th

ne sitting on the left looked gentleman-like in a black suit while the one sitting on the right look

door way, expecting Kris

features. With light make up and lovely long hair, she looked pu

om neglected such a beauty and g

d for you. I've been wanting to beat Aiden for the l

stood up, walked to Evan, looked at Evan up and down and said with a grin, "Cool! Are y

in and speak for Evan, but gave up when s

ell are you talkin

yes widened in rage and w

ocking him

It seemed that these rich play boys

and James. Come

ith a slight smile as h

James, who were glaring at each other, repre

n, several burly men, who looked like gangsters, walked in


rned to him

ry. I'm willing to help but unable to do so.

became blood-s

, "But you told me that you have fi

o torture her and Evan. She naively assumed Mr. Long could help her.

s just a negligent camgirl. She ju

nce he come in? Is he too frighten

f I let you off that easily, how woul


! How do you want to fix this?

ously as she stepp

e was just an ordinary girl who had ne

ntimidating gangsters

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