img I Rule the Underworld  /  Chapter 10 You Are Supposed to Pass Out | 27.03%
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Chapter 10 You Are Supposed to Pass Out

Word Count: 1560    |    Released on: 10/08/2018

to make it

's body and smirked, "Nice body. I

ristine. She shivered and st

rvous and

osal to care about an inexperienc

nd pushed Kristine away


crush on her? What was going on

ell-born young masters thought about all day long. She was

u have fun kicki

rd and stopped in front of Evan. A few steps away, a

, rea

sitation, Evan

den, wondering whether he h

thumb at Evan and yelled, "Great. You're the only one wh

that as a c

smoothly, a gr


help looking incredulously at Evan. However, he thought Evan

nt? How about I compl

darted towards Evan, ready


den was kicked and he flew backward straight to the ground. Roaring in agony, Aiden doub

ryone in the room lo

Damn it! This fellow w

osed to lay low in someone's tu

y cr

s amazed by Evan's response. He couldn't h

ooking young man curled his lips into a small smil


was picking a fight even though he was c

e he

his fingers

den, carrying him to check how badly he was

an do whatever you want to me afte

s feet, had stopped some of his men who couldn't wait a


out to cry any minute now. She didn't u

efinitely beat him up and then insult him in m

ng. I'm st

ne's eyes and said softly, "You

nk y

rst place. Kristine felt grateful for everything that Evan had done for her. He didn

about to get really nasty. You'

s right palm and hit Kr

ng? Are you crazy

d around her neck and looked at Evan doubtf

sed to pass out! Tha

d. That was weird. He remembered the shows on TV. Pe


thumping hard on the table. His shoulders were trembling as he tried

n was a good fighter. But it turned out that he was more likely t

you laughing abou

fool out of him? Driven by outrage, Aiden shouted at his minions. "Beat h


e to d

surprise as color dr

Evan, 'I only kicked you tw

n! What do

trol. Though Kristine was only a young woman, she knew there were some people that you should never mess wi

e you

ered in her ears. He was going to end them viol

n. One of them even took out a three-sectional staf

on their faces, they would definitely scare the crap o

ong, r

he hooligans cornering him an

a pro

se. Why did Evan call him at


es still fixed on Mr. Long. Mr. Long froz

d up. He felt strange. 'Is he really a maniac?' he thought to himself, 'Otherwise, why should he tell me to take do

ppen. You can only blame yourself

isplayed a crooked smile, as he raised the staf

ext made everyone's

son. He flung the young man to the ground within a second and growled, "Eat,


he room. Mr. Long, who was professionally trained, c

as goi

gotten about Aiden. Even the amiable-looking man frowne

re you out o

him, and seeing him attack one


e suddenly turned around and looke

mad dog with rabies. He flung himself towards

to Aiden. Aiden pushed the man off him and pointed at M

ched him right on his nose with an iron stick. S


eding nose and screamed, "It's broken! My nose! Holy

retly sighed in relief. Luckily he got some extra he


nstructed, Kristine called out nervous

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