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Queen Of My Heart

Queen Of My Heart

Author: Symplyayisha
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Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1103    |    Released on: 30/11/2018

now Alessandra will not go to bed without me." Ronald said as he stood up

will take home for the weekend to work on

n our to-do list. Jemma must be worr

hat chair and don't keep that pregn

regards to Alessandra." Gabriel said as h

ll probably show up at your pla

that, " Gabriel said before wa

n the country but you will surely find him among the top six. He's

ves him with his Mom, his younger sister Elena, Ale

an easy task but Ronald finds his way arou

ven though it was just a few minutes to nine. She was used to him reading h

e in the office. Today was an exce

ain got heavier in the evening and it wouldn't b

, Ronald had the finest, biggest and

me inside his brown leather briefcase. He reached for his mobile p

d to take the stairs because it had a s

tely and walked towards his car which was

drops of water coming from the sky. It was still raining

out he was going to stay long in the offic

briefcase to the backseat, started the e

driver like using but today he felt

ad was kind of empty which was very strange. 'Perhap

outside so everything was kind of Blur. But He could see a lady lying on the ground with a small girl not more tha

tinued driving towards his house but could not shake off that scene from his he

the front passenger seat. He remembered having an umbrella in the trunk of his car so as soon as he came down from his c

irl say in tears as she kept on shaking the lady to wake up.

as he crouched towar

wards the lady on the ground with

get her to the hospital." Ronald said in a lo

girl into the car. He placed her in the front passenger seat withou

he went back for her unconscious mother. He c

t tell where it was coming from. He also noticed a bruise on he

y soaked. He took a glance at the front passenger seat and saw the little girl looking at him with her big blue eyes. Sh

muttered in her c

" He a

gives me a helping hand

ld smiled at her as he

our name?" H

nd my mama

?" She a

He replied a

Uncle Ronnie."

he started the car and drov

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