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Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1160    |    Released on: 30/11/2018

mpleted the tour as he opened the door to the gues

like it." He

ted with expensive furniture. But it was kind of empty p

th a nightstand and a lamp on it at the end of bo

she couldn't tell where it led to. 'Perhaps her room

bled to Ronald after

But she had insisted that when she has fully recovered, she will go back to

t his house and he's not inclined to pay rent to anyone. Then she volunteered to be the o

use if he had said no, she will change her mind of wanting to move in

ld said as he opened one of th

ith it, It had everything she would need. A toilet, bathtub, m

opened the second door that was connected to her room,

n tomorrow you can go with her to get what you will need. We wanted to shop for Adrie too but we decided to wait for you

re not hungry?" Ron

efore he started the house tour, Clarice had offere

eating well. She was kind of punish

ecause they were already asleep by

." She mumbled as she took a

over to where she was a

ard on yourself." He said looking into her e

eir first visit, when she was still in the hospital, they had even wanted to go visit her the

e you tomorrow morning before I go to work." He said after which he stood

h was now Raina's room, Clarice came in with a tray

you sleep on an empty stomach so I brought this for you,

, " Raina

seat beside Rai

r, Stay strong." She encouraged,

u." She said as she hand

if it was her size. She could tell it

you. Thanks for eve

ood night's rest." Clarice said

It's just next to yours so feel fre

which she proceeded to the bathroom to take a shower. She felt relaxed as soon as the

noticed she was pregnant. Her mind flashed back to almost two months ago; It was the last time she had sex with her so-called partner. He wanted it that night and she gave in even when she was no

alked into her room, she sat on her bed and took a glance at the cookie. It looked so yumm

ch that controls the light in her

God to forgive her for being a bad mother, She prayed to God to take care of the baby she miscarried and most impor

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