img Love Over Everything  /  Chapter 5 Five | 10.87%
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Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1954    |    Released on: 07/07/2019

n dried her body before putting on her shorts and a tank top. Then she

on the nightstand which was ringing. She heaved a sigh as soon a

rip?" Anna, Naomi's moth

a seat on the edge of he

er side. She had wanted her daughter to have a fun trip and hopefully

t's best for me. I promise you I'm over Connor and if it w

aomi, you should have come straight to the mansi

had a few drinks, that's all and hopefully, I'll never see him again." She

aughter's last statement and then she finally spoke

he psychology she studied over the years gave her an

during the week. Take care, my regards to Dad. Love you." She said


didn't have much information like her surname and other vital information. He

e way they greeted each other the previous night and she will als

ou?" Sarah asked cheerfu

ne mom

ut Andre told me you had left with some girl. You should st

now I don't

ty, smart and successful. Besides, I don't think you have any say in this. Yo

with his mom about Vivian so he went dir

he closing speech yesterday?" He asked

matter?" She as

so stay away from Naomi. Naomi is like a daughter to me so please don't do anything to hurt her. Her mom and I have been friends sin

know anything about her so I can return the purse to her." He half lied knowing that was the only way he would be able to get details ab

get someone to deliver it to Br

an do to get it across to her." He

but at least he now knows her surname which he can use to trace her. What infuriates him more was the f

friend who was also a personal investigator. Ruben picked

e today." Ruben tease

s greeted with

matter?" Ruben

called Naomi Browne. I want to know everything about her. I need the information as so

is was very unusual for Chris. He only requested a background check to be done on people who work fo

urgent. Will I be able to get all the inf

n do to make sure y

Sophie?" Chris asked after his

Debbie is mad at you fo

apologize for that. I'll ma

your visit. We'll see tomorrow.


d of the doorbell. She had no doubt it was

leep and went to open the door. As soon as she opened th

t even up to 72 hours, D

no idea. I was bored as hell. I had no one

n Luis, Naomi's brother since like forever. Naomi knew her brother liked her best friend but b

" Naomi complained as she shut the door behind Linda. Linda

will never admit it because the two of you are cowar

he feels anything for me. Anyways enough about me. How was

eyes. "What drink do you want? I made spaghetti before I fell asleep, do you want some?" If there was so

, besides the love bites on your neck tells it

he had forgotten she was putting on a t

d with him. That's just it, besides I don't think I'll ever come across him again." She replied

nds in hers. Her hands were cold and shaky. She knew somethi

never judge you f

A few minutes later, a guy approached me. As soon as he greeted me, I felt a shiver run down my spine. I don't know Linda, he made me feel what I've never felt before. When I asked him for his

to my hotel so he will come to pick me up. That was what I was about to do when Ryan c

continued talking. "To cut the long story short, we made love in his apartment. It felt amazing, he made me feel like a woman. He worshipped my body and left

best time of your

ed "I'm not

e over Connor."

t scared. What if I

numbers right?" Li

partment at midnight. He

ting him? Do you regret what ha

." She repli

never spoken passionately about a guy. Not even Connor who you thought was going to be your life partn

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