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Chapter 3 Sparkpaw of HunterClan

Word Count: 3793    |    Released on: 30/07/2019


mber of HunterClan then?

he Apprentice's Den. Most of the cats were awake and moving about now. The exception to this being Brackenfoot. The newest warrior had his warrior

omstar about becoming an apprentice yesterday. The knowledge that Clary had been nervous abou

at she can always count on me....right? Goldenclaw was unsure where he stood with his...sister as of currently. He

y too much then a brotherly love. It made him feel as though there was something wrong with him. Distance will help, he kept telling himself. H

ded pleased, her green eyes sparkling. Goldenclaw forced himself not to stare directly into her eyes. She's too pre

r. Clary seemed to be searching his g

s black bulky frame leading Palenose and Frondleap out of camp. As Palenose was early on in expecting kits, her stomach was only bulging sligh

muring them back to him, a fond smile stretched across her face. This, this was exactly the type of thing that Goldenclaw had wanted to have with Clary someday. Maybe he'd bee

were busy with...well everything." She admitted. Goldenclaw took another bite

. You have every right to be here.

our father, aren't

ing so. It was a trick he used whenever he got scolded by Silvermoon or Badgerstripe for pulling some pranks back when he was a child. It made it easier t

awful things back in the day. It looks like he wants to do awful things

ho he'd known all his life, acting like he was an outsider. He didn't like it one

a grudge against us forever. That wo

lary. Clan cats...we're not all as op

o my house folk and pretend I'm not a Shado

ts that would rather see you gone." He ended darkly. The anger in Clary's eyes vanished, replaced with something sad. He

y of cats want both us here. And besides, we have each

might be your mother, but she'll never be mine. Silvermoon is my mot

you. She never would've intentionally left you." Goldenclaw didn't want

mentor will be?" He asked her. If Clary noticed the subject cha

me you heard murmurings about who your mentor wou

to Blossomstar before Arrowheart, Nightrose and I were made apprentices." Goldenclaw told her. Blossomstar had an odd way of going about many

ow of. Nothing out of the norm at an

Arrowheart was Blossomstar was no longer his mentor, his Parabatai still kept a close bond with the leader. The

t like a heavy stone in his gut, weighing him down. He pushed it away. The constant grief had slowly passed, but occasionally it rose back up in him like an angry wasp coming back to st

. The two exchanged a few more words before joining a hunting patrol. It was Petalfall who led them out camp, the she-cat not


ascade across the trickling stream. The rushing water was cool to the touch. He was u

brown. A few of them had already scattered to the ground. The heat and humidity of summer had given way to a constant breeze in the a

a rush. Patchfur agreed with him on the wind being splendid. The two toms had went out hunting together this

. The tom had dived underwater moments before, letting the stream consume him. From Arrow

icked out of his former Clan for murdering a kit. Willowkit's dea

o them. As much as Arrowheart wanted his crush to be apologized to, for the truth to c

o be cared for, cherished. He wasn't fully certain it would withstand long distance. Havin

how everyone would react if the truth got out. And yet....there's no way I'd give him up. Arrowheart

eart's nose, making him sneeze. Patchfur laughed at the cute sound. Water was dripping from his whiskers, his fur plastered to his b

am in so long I feel like I'm ge

"I don't think I'd be any good at it though, I'm no fish." Patchfur snorted at that, p

ever know when you might need to know how to sw

ou'll help me? I...I don't know how to swim so I might drown." He admitted, a

ile. "You don't need to worry about a

tepped into the water hesitantly, shivering at the cold liquid seeping into his skin. Patchfu

art chattered. Patchfur looked at h

freezes over. Hardly no cat dares to swim in it then, and Berrypool would of

his belly fur. The cold tendrils sent tingles up his spine, it was not a pleasant fee

used to it soon. Think about how relaxed

he thought about it, the water didn't feel so bad now. With his height, his paws still tou

e questioned. "How do I swim?" Patchfur gestured to a s

's harder to do when your paws can still touch the ground." Patchfur

led creature brushed his fur, causing Arrowheart to leap forward in surprise. It had been such a quick contact, lasting no more then

em a bit jumpy."

brushed up against me.

art of the stream, the water almost covered their shoulders. The river acted like a cold blanket to A

ely safe." Patchfur added at Arrowheart's worried look. Hesitantly, Arrowheart did as he was tol

what next?

floor. He rhythmically kicked at the water, his front paws scooping water downward, churning the wat

be able to paddle properly." He told him. Arrowheart grunted, struggling to do what Pa

ring the liquid seeping into his pelt, he supposed it was. Patchfur dipped his hea

e time he got back onto the shore. He flopped down in the sand like a wet ball of fur. He knew th

rrowheart gave him a little smile. "So, how d

for your first time out. We'll focus on your technique

huh?" He asked imploringly, b

der warrior told him. Together, the pair made their way back t


somstar had informed her earlier that she wouldn't be the only cat to get apprenticed today. Dapplefur's kits were all now old enough to become apprentices

ther she-cat told her. Clary let out a huff,

remony. Nightrose told her it was important to look well groomed for this

e their birth to begin training whereas Clary had only been waiting for a few moons, so she knew she shouldn't be so impatie

ks now. I just....I've wanted this and..." She trailed o

ceremony should be starting any minute now." Clary nodded, sitting down in an effort to calm hers

y join here beneath the High Rock for a Clan me

fall sat together in a cluster near the front of the crowd. Comfreyleaf was sitting outside the Nursery, her kits pla

sitting nearby. The couple was whispering amongst themselves, their tails entwined. Junipernose

Blossomstar calls for you. I'm going to join my brothers." Ni

y related to Goldenclaw, they still considered him their sibling. They refused to call him anything else. Clary

as they bustled about. Clary winced, the small she-cat's claws had been sheathed but the weight of a paw wasn'

ally. The kits eventually sat down beside her, wa

Clary felt sad that the senior warrior couldn't have more with her mate, Foxtail. The former k

er of the Clearing." Blossomstar called out to them. The five cats moved

e and skill to this apprentice." Goldenclaw looked shocked to have been chosen for an apprentice. With a sharp prod from

r name you will be known as Smokepaw. Nightrose you will mentor this apprentice. Pass down all your wisdom and tenac

tors. The two toms looked proud to have been picked. When the four cats stepped back Clary was the only one left in the ce

ded."Clary watched on with bated breath. "Clary, in honor of your flame colored coat that shines like a spark of new

he mix with that feeling was surprise. Especially when she found Arrowheart paddi

at her name being called, but she hardly paid attention to it. I can't believe it! I'm f



Chapter 1 Allegiances and Prologue Chapter 2 Coming to A Decision Chapter 3 Sparkpaw of HunterClan Chapter 4 Simon's Interlude Chapter 5 Training in the Sandy Hollow Chapter 6 Sharing News (Malec)
Chapter 7 A New Mission (Clace)
Chapter 8 A Tunnel with a Surprising Destination (Malec)
Chapter 9 Meanwhile in HunterClan...
Chapter 10 Unwarranted Assault AKA When the Malec Ship sets Sail
Chapter 11 Battle at the Silent Forest (Malec)
Chapter 12 The Mortal Stick is Taken
Chapter 13 Reuniting with a Friend (Malec)
Chapter 14 Why does the Mundane have to come along (Malec) (Climon)
Chapter 15 Rain and Loss (Malec)
Chapter 16 A Story of Lost Dreams
Chapter 17 Simon the Vampire (Climon) (Malec)
Chapter 18 How to Conquer Fear (Malec) (Climon)
Chapter 19 Silverpaw its Been so Long (Malec)
Chapter 20 A Secret Meeting at FourTrees
Chapter 21 Vultureclaw is Acting Suspicious and He's not the Only One
Chapter 22 WolfClan is Finally Here! (Malec)
Chapter 23 Escape from the Shadows
Chapter 24 The Journey Home...Is Filled with Peril
Chapter 25 You Can't Save Everyone Arrowheart (Malec)
Chapter 26 Welcome Back to the Land of Confusion
Chapter 27 The Werecats Howl at the Moon
Chapter 28 The Reason Why Monsters are DANGEROUS (Malec)
Chapter 29 Terrible News
Chapter 30 The Sharper the Thorn, The Deadlier the Secret (Clace)
Chapter 31 Sparkpaw Has a Dream
Chapter 32 New Destiny and the Frozen Stream
Chapter 33 Heart to Heart (Malec)
Chapter 34 It's Time to Take Back Sunningrocks
Chapter 35 Victory!
Chapter 36 Prey Problems
Chapter 37 Who is to Blame
Chapter 38 Wake Up to the Sound (Malec)
Chapter 39 Reconnaissance
Chapter 40 Battle on the Frozen River
Chapter 41 Alderpaw Cuts it Close
Chapter 42 Forest Clash
Chapter 43 Blood Transfusion (Clace)
Chapter 44 Reunited (Malec)
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