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Chapter 5 Training in the Sandy Hollow

Word Count: 2832    |    Released on: 09/08/2019



ing rays of sunshine touch the dry ground here and there, heating it up. The rays that washed over her sparked her over

forest was unlike any she'd seen before, not that she had much to compare it to. Now the trees were beginning to thin ou

slightest idea as to why she was here but yet...she understood she needed to go further. There was a tugging force inside t

a few scraggly bushes that she guessed were dens, and a cave or two that seemed to serve the same purpose. There were cat

e known to make up some of the fastest cats in all the clans. Their sp

t as far to run into one of them, a silver furred she-cat that looked to be around her age. The other cat was supporting what looke

she was nothing but a ghost. The thought was unsettling to say the least. So was how the two cats

hat would give her a clue as to why she was there. The lithe cats slipped through the

the strongest clans there is. Underneath their pelts lay the power to transform into wolf-like crea

the black tom laugh. He'd corrected her, calling the wolf like cats the correct term of 'werecats'. Sp

nd there. It was so strange compared to the woods of HunterClan or the neighborhood she'd been raised in. The land just seemed str

n it. The Clan cats were weaving through the heather, mindful of the prick

eered away, bounding into an area with patchy peat covering the floor. Som

tamed. As Sparkpaw was at the back of the crowd, she strained to see what all the cats were gathered around. It was

e gathered around. The leader was speaking loudly now, his voice carrying to reach all

ust leave our home. We can stay here no long

ookstar silenced them. He was Grayfur, the WolfClan deputy. Com

need to trust our leader is only doing what's best for us." Grayfur told

el will lead us to some place safe and away from the

rkpaw tried to follow them, but found she couldn't. Instead everything started to fade int



ce she'd been made an apprentice. Surrounding her was Violetpaw, Stripepaw, Smokepaw, and Mousepaw. Dawnpaw had moved into the

a flicker of annoyance. She hadn't wanted to wake up earlier then she already had to, which

arfur and Honeybee were still standing rigid in their spots along the camp perime

e apprentices to use. Sparkpaw hoped her mentor Arrowheart had something more interesting in mind then

eted. Sparkpaw swiveled her head to

arly compared to normal, the river already starting to freeze over. Patchfur had commented that MagicClan often sta

asn't talking to her all that much, Arrowheart was starting to warm up to her. Night

oot. "I was thinking we'd join the Dawn Patrol. Then we can go do some battle t

since learning Vultureclaw is a murderer, Sparkpaw has been extra cautious

n patrol?" Arrowheart as

kpaw figures the deputy didn't like Arrowheart all that much, though

hemselves." Arrowheart murmurs his agreement, heading over to join Littlebird and Br

ime Ski

ith its soft peat and heather, the smell of rabbit heavy in the air. Sparkpaw took a deep inhale of air, the

she repeated again, the w

ounds from nearby. The young warrior was b

The rabbit scent is waking up

ubled. "The WolfClan cats are still missing." Sh

ling gray rock. It was granite, it's speckled coloring giving off a

cketstar must've retracted their false claim on th

ning we have, let's hope WolfClan re

eir way back to camp. Her tone was low; a gentle whisper in his ear, or rather as close to his ear as she

for certain Sparkpaw. StarClan works in

responding, his paws scuffing the dirt. His long legs were toned and strong. It showed in

ut I'm sure WolfClan will come home soon enough." He continues to stride for, Sparkpaw moving

dream last night."

of dream?

rising in the sky, the frost on the ground was beginning to thaw. The cold chill had lessened slightly, allowing som

freeze out here? Sparkpaw told herself it couldn't be that difficult, if the other HunterClan cats could do

lan fled into this tunnel and if we go

nk so." She

ng for the day." Sparkpaw agrees, and with that the two


hat he'd work on the fiery apprentice's battle moves today. Sparkpaw already knew the basic attack crouch, so he decided now is the time to broaden

em landed on his nose, making him sneeze. The dappled rays of weak sunlight fell on to Sparkpaw's pelt as he faces her. It made her look akin

your attack crouch, but I haven't seen much else. So I want

asy on you." She told him as

augh. "I'd hope you woul

ver his head instead of making contact. His apprentice landed on the stretch of ground behind him, kick

est. Sparkpaw narrowly avoided the hit, her agility all that kept Arrowheart's well placed move from land

at her forepaws, but instead of going for center mass he simply went with a downwar

n he pinned her to the sandy floor, the damp gritty sand mixing into his apprentice's ginger fur. Sparkpaw struggled in vain to get free of his hol

y and somewhat misplaced." He told Sparkpaw. His

pinned down. How am I ever supposed to beat you w

ze has nothing to do with it. Sure, it helps me pin a cat down when I use

?" She snapped, he

er in my reaction time. You remember how you were just barely able to avoid my paw

have a speed advantage and you h

ages or disadvantages you have, what matters is that you the drive and the cunning to win. As long as you have that, well n

nst the chill. "Alright, so let's try again." Arrowheart agrees, and



Chapter 1 Allegiances and Prologue Chapter 2 Coming to A Decision Chapter 3 Sparkpaw of HunterClan Chapter 4 Simon's Interlude Chapter 5 Training in the Sandy Hollow Chapter 6 Sharing News (Malec)
Chapter 7 A New Mission (Clace)
Chapter 8 A Tunnel with a Surprising Destination (Malec)
Chapter 9 Meanwhile in HunterClan...
Chapter 10 Unwarranted Assault AKA When the Malec Ship sets Sail
Chapter 11 Battle at the Silent Forest (Malec)
Chapter 12 The Mortal Stick is Taken
Chapter 13 Reuniting with a Friend (Malec)
Chapter 14 Why does the Mundane have to come along (Malec) (Climon)
Chapter 15 Rain and Loss (Malec)
Chapter 16 A Story of Lost Dreams
Chapter 17 Simon the Vampire (Climon) (Malec)
Chapter 18 How to Conquer Fear (Malec) (Climon)
Chapter 19 Silverpaw its Been so Long (Malec)
Chapter 20 A Secret Meeting at FourTrees
Chapter 21 Vultureclaw is Acting Suspicious and He's not the Only One
Chapter 22 WolfClan is Finally Here! (Malec)
Chapter 23 Escape from the Shadows
Chapter 24 The Journey Home...Is Filled with Peril
Chapter 25 You Can't Save Everyone Arrowheart (Malec)
Chapter 26 Welcome Back to the Land of Confusion
Chapter 27 The Werecats Howl at the Moon
Chapter 28 The Reason Why Monsters are DANGEROUS (Malec)
Chapter 29 Terrible News
Chapter 30 The Sharper the Thorn, The Deadlier the Secret (Clace)
Chapter 31 Sparkpaw Has a Dream
Chapter 32 New Destiny and the Frozen Stream
Chapter 33 Heart to Heart (Malec)
Chapter 34 It's Time to Take Back Sunningrocks
Chapter 35 Victory!
Chapter 36 Prey Problems
Chapter 37 Who is to Blame
Chapter 38 Wake Up to the Sound (Malec)
Chapter 39 Reconnaissance
Chapter 40 Battle on the Frozen River
Chapter 41 Alderpaw Cuts it Close
Chapter 42 Forest Clash
Chapter 43 Blood Transfusion (Clace)
Chapter 44 Reunited (Malec)
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