img Spark Of Lust: A Perfect Match  /  Chapter 5 What Happened In The Garden | 10.87%
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Chapter 5 What Happened In The Garden

Word Count: 1203    |    Released on: 23/07/2020

ach other with e

uld complain that it was not a good

usly faded a little, and her heart was getting more and more unco

red of. Before that, he had thought that it was easy for him to chase a female student. But now, he had completely changed his mind. H

ver had such a feeling for any girl in his

appearance, decent and knowledgeable. If such a girl could marry into the Chen family, it would be

f a sudden, he saw that Lettie lowered her head with a helpless

ward, held Lettie's hand and left the noisy living

ands off me! " Lettie shook off his hand and



ave some fresh a

ie was not in the mood to listen to him. S

ehind you?" Claud snickered,

second!" While Lettie was speaking, she had

ck and held her waist tight

de his lips more ruddy and sexy, and the perfect facial features made his a l

ame to her senses. "What do you want?" Then she pushed his chest away and shouted,

lost his temper and shouted, "Lettie, don't go too far. You are..." So rude! He wanted to say som

him to do that. So she struggled again, trying

allen in love with her. No matter what, he wou

d by him. Inadvertently, a delicate smile appeared on her face, and her whole body exuded the tendern

d him, but he had never fallen in love with them, let alone kissing

something. "What are you doing?" As

moment. He just looked at the beautiful woman in front of him and felt incredib

k figure flashed

ooked at the black figure at t

at Claud sideways. Before he came to his senses, she straig

ed to goad her. "Lettie, aren't you afraid that your classmates in the living room will laug

ovoked. As expected, she stopped and turned to look at him coldly. "Y

s speechless. He looked at her and gig

least she didn't have any aversion to him. Seeing him standing there giggling, she felt a lot better

beautiful whe

he looked at her without blinking and marveled in his heart. Her soft hair casually fell on two shoulders, and

less and irr

owards her in

angular features, his sharp and deep eyes, and his cynical appearance, whi

Lettie to step back. Out of instinct, sh

half a meter away from her, and his breath was unusually heavy.

l stepped back, and unconsciously

her two times. When she turned her head, he held her tightly in his arms again at an extremel

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