img Spark Of Lust: A Perfect Match  /  Chapter 10 Fair Competition | 21.74%
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Chapter 10 Fair Competition

Word Count: 1082    |    Released on: 28/07/2020

ing on the sofa listlessly, depressed and seriously injured. Mike stood aside and looked at him helplessly, as

deep breath and said in a more euphemistic voice, "Claud, get up

aiting for you for a long time."

d up at them and wanted to say something, but f

and looked up at him affectionately. "If you want to say something,

lowered his head slowly. He looked at her sus

her face, Jennifer made a face and giggl

ou go downstairs to greet them first. I have some

owly, stared at Claud for a long

? Didn't you lie to me? " Claud

s nervously and said, "of course, it's true. Why should I li

of tea on the table and handed it to Mike, "it's not impossible. Don't forget that we grew up tog

to hide his nervousness, Mike took the cup of

ith a girl and didn't dare to express your love to her. Now I fina

e suddenly

igorous enough. His father was also a director of the Chen Group, and his mother was the deputy director of the central hosp

al for you to like a girl. As long as you really like her, you should be brave to pursue he

t care?" Mike wa

worry. Go and chase her! " Although he said s

en!" Mike breathed

's a

ng room, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. The students looked at Claud at t

the window, Claud couldn't help but sigh. The well arranged party was screw

s heart was in a mess. So he ran all th

e was cold, and the night sky was f

d his mind drifted to a la

ber on the screen, he threw the mobile phone on the table and continued to play his game, ignoring it.

Claud, you are so heartless. How could you be so heartless t

n't forget that you are still a stud

ud, I can't live without you. I love you

ow, or I'll tell your parents that you

ur business. Jus

? Would she go

said softly, "well, where are y

e Style

he way. Not long after, he stood in the middle of the bar, shuttling through the lively crowd. At this moment, he was

, let's dance

ld you like to hav

saw Jennifer lying on the bar counter, so he sped up and walke

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