img The Silver Bullet  /  CHAPTER IV AT BEORMINSTER | 14.81%
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Reading History


Word Count: 4043    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

n, met Bess Endicotte. She looked angry and her e

, "that verdict I mean. I don't beli

o reason why he should hav

r, you say that Stephen. You know as well as I do that the Colonel

s that?" asked

but Marsh answered for her. "We do not know what it was," he said simply, "but m

him?" retorted Bess. "However what is done can

d as the man has got away so rapidly, and is now lost in the wildern

was Frisco you sa

s of the man at the station were the same in

to Biffstead to put the article into shape. But I do not believe that Fris

id Stephen wagging his head, "but we must not wai

ors seeing your mother! How lucky that Dr. Herrick is here. I

ure," said Jim gravely shaking

"I call our family the Biffs and the house Biffstead. The Grange is

lf about Bess. "What a clever girl she is," said he, "those eyes of hers twin

. We played together as childr

ung man. "I saw her by chance at Southberry,

middle of the family. Were it not for her, it would go to piec

said the doctor, an

eft alone. He did not want Jim to go to Beorminster, not even althoug

mly, "now no nonsense Joyce. I have promise

ng will

h I find Mrs. Marsh. If she is very il

trifle sulkily, "there is far too much

lf," said Herrick with a laugh. "I hope to be

ish to the core. Herrick from long association, and because he had plucked him back on one occasion from the grave, was attached to him. But he oftentimes acknowledged that were not Robin an interesting "case" from a medical point of view, as he undoubtedly was, he could not stand much of him. Still he had been so long the litt

d Marsh with a flush. "I am not rich

" said Herrick gaily, "and as to your b

though we quarrelled so much. I have to take the name of Carr, and fulfil certain duties. I do not know w

climbed up to the roof of the clumsy conveyan

nd that you take an interest in me. I have had a lonely life. The B

orn, and the conversation that had ensued. "H

lighter tone, "we can talk of him again. At present, we will speak of the will. I have written to my uncle's sol

s lawyers--or rather

and F

side?" asked Herrick

you kno

y are the solicitors

orld is very small after all is it not. But

Mrs. Marsh was

gether. She is devoted to me. I expect

ating, "it seems to be well known

my best friend. Once she nursed me through a most serious illness. There are worse women in the world than my step-mother Herrick, as you will find. She is a noble-looking w

his life. The young men he knew were usually old before their time, and took a pride in being so. But Marsh talked with such

other, "but here we are at Beormins

se black against a saffron sky, and the bells were ringing for the evening service. Stephen led the way towards a far corner of the square, and turned into a dingy side street sloping down the other side of the hill. Stopping at a tall narrow house three door

Petronella?" aske

ignor," replied the old Italia

ught one, P

This way Signor Dottore. My signora is up the

ir when introduced into the bedroom of Mrs. Marsh. A few minutes examination convinced him that she was extremely ill. Her pulse was rapid, she was in a h

examination?" sh

in a verdict of wilful

n her pillow with a smile. "I always thought that man would k

tened attentively, and nodded when he finished. "I am glad he had the decency to come," she said. "These wretches here

errick coming to her bedside, "and I t

ill?" asked

d Jim cheerfully, "do not excite yourself, obey

oaned Mrs. Marsh, "I can

?" asked Her

. Give me something

nd her days in a mad-house, if not soothed by artificial means. From the passionate expression in her eyes, the wrinkles on her face, her impatient gestures, Herrick saw that she had absolutely no control over her temper. Perhaps the rumours he had heard of her influenced such a judgm

tain remedies had been applied. "Make up a bed for me somewhere

into a small bare room, sparsely furnished with two arm chairs, a few 'books and a table covered with writing mater

ill?" asked the y

s. Don't you trouble yourself Marsh. I'

e thing it will be if she dies now, when wealth is coming.

t," said Jim. "Give me some supper Marsh

othing to alleviate their distress. "He would not give us a penny," said Stephen after supper, and when they were smoking in the small room which proved to be the young man's special sanctu

o wrong, was prepared for a little conversation. He utilised the time by asking Marsh about himself and his uncle. T

Adriatic coast. Her father was dead and she was alone save for Petronella. It was her intention to become a singer; but she fell in love with my father. He brought her home to Beorminster, along with Petronella, who would not leave her. With what remained of his money, my father bought this house. Five years ago he died, leaving my mother two hundred a year. With this freehold and that income we have managed to scrape along. I was educated at Bedford, and after

aking his head, "bad thing w

er, and I was prepared to battle with the world like other people. But Mrs. Marsh made me stop with her. I am twenty-six years of age now, and I have done nothing. I write poetry and send it t

onel refused

eople were afraid of him, and he admired her for standing up to him. Colonel Carr thought me a fool and a weakling because I stayed with Mrs. Marsh instead of going out into the world. But I ask you Herrick, what else could I ha

ling his pipe, "she wished to

s to be his heir. He has no relative bu

t house is filled with treasu

said with some excitement. "His father died ruined, and left him nothing but 'The Pines

fter his death. Not v

f, and left his sister, my mother, in that old ruined house. Afterwards he left the army--cashiered for cheating at cards, and led a hand to mouth existence. But he would never sell 'The Pines,' how

arr?" put

my at the age of thirty. I believe he called h

quarter of

she married my father, and afterwards died when I was born. That was the end of her. The Colonel left his lawyers to look after the property, and remained away. I always heard that it was in South America he picked up his money. At all events he returned here ten years ago with plenty of cash. The first

back with him fro

chose. However Carr turned his back on the country people, and went on worse than ever. He was said

e tower was one," s

act was the throwing down of the

came upon it suddenly, as if it had been dropped from the skies. Carr threw down the walls, to s

derstand wha

ich Frisco was concerned. Well then; evidently his first attitude was one of defiance towards this fear. Afterwards he thought better o

as in such a hurry to get it done, that he had the men working at it by night. You know he has a magnificent system of electricity round about 'The Pines.' Well,

no expl

house, and cooked the Colonel's meals. But I think Carr often cooked for himse

um, the bowling alley, and the shooti

casionally. Carr was a clever man of business, and invested his money i


olonel, but he did not succeed. A good fello

y he talked a g

d Stephen. "I wonder w

the secret of

is mouth shut as I said. Why he should

on all sides," said Herrick with a shru

ll leave her to tell you of her v

er a pause. "Have you any

motest. Unless

ne would think so. Wh

aid he thoughtfully, "if anyone knows what is at the b

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