slept at the Hull Hotel, as he had stated. Herrick could not account for Robin's movements on the night of the twenty-fourth of July, and on that same night Colonel Carr had met with hi
llet of the antiquated sort. And Carr had been killed with just such a bullet
ight be able to account for his doings on the night of the twenty-fourth, and for the possession of the pistol. After all he had shown no hesitation in accepting Herrick's invitation to Saxham. If he were guilty he would
ine branched off from the main trunk, before it reached Southberry and touched at Heathcroft, six miles from Saxham. Herrick made up his mind that when he got to Saxham, he would go to Heathcroft to make inquiries. If he could prove that Robin had alighted at that station, th
th, or else part with him as a friend for ever." Then the doctor thought with a qualm, that if he did learn the truth, the parting might be more complete than he imagined. If Joyce
gazines to beguile the tedium of the journey. For some time Herrick had been concealed behind the Daily Telegraph, pretending to read. But in reality he had been
go back to Saxham
ery glad," he said. "I find a little of London goes a long
e county will call. They will be delighted that in that beautiful house, there will be
"my nature is a somewhat retiring one, I fancy
esire to go in
shall try and do good in my own way, but I do not wish to take part in
ch a wretched life hitherto, that it is but fair you should have a few y
the end of a year. I want to be certain of holding the property. I wonder why my uncle lef
ut I have learned something of his past Stephen," and Herrick related his meeting
e said, "otherwise I should be afraid to use it. If it is what the gipsies call red money-
ght home, if it was taken from some treasure chamber of those Inca monarchs, the spoil was legitimate enough. If I came across such a treasure I should have
t to give him some m
he story is true; in the second place I am convinced that the Mexican is a scoundrel, an
nd out the story o
sentimental pilgrimage to see the grave of a man he det
tory," said Stephen dryly, "but will it b
lf," he said, "still amongst his lies there may be some grain of truth. But whe
d Marsh-Carr
at I am apt to fall into the same habit. But this writing," he added hurriedly to avoid further explanation
he estate is mine now, and I want to enjoy it without worrying my conscience. Of course I do worry. As to the writing
id indeed resemble that on the piece of Chinese paper. In print the cryptogram was as follows:--Eqhrb
he same," he said with some excitement. "See Stephen, in each there are figures, and in each the figures are the same. Fifteen. I
Stephen, "yet it might
hink so. But that in both there should be f
y is the key t
I can see how to apply it. Oh, that Edgar Allen Poe were at hand! He could
unravel a line of secret writing, it was best to search for the character that represent
ot," said Jim quickly, "This cipher ma
anish part
would use, other than English. He was mostly in Mexico and Peru, if Manuel is to be believe
ou know Spanish,
Stephen, and see what we make of it. The Chinese paper cipher is the shortest. We will count the letter that is most frequent, and call it 'E.' Something may come of the attempt." Herrick counted and Stephen checked hi
her," said Stephen. "That mig
ve 'K's' to three 'R's.' We agreed to
away, and see wha
ense from the jumble of letters on this basis. At the end of the time they were
per to the other end of the carriage. "
se. All ciphers do. And I daresay this is an easy one. The easiest a
ing the cipher. "Fifteen I.T.K.X." he said musingl
r," said Herrick, and read out, "F
e a date," said Marsh
might--on the other
re concealed the same as
ur. Then again you may have to count from left to right or right to left. And after all the cipher may be in Spanish, or English or in the Indian tongue for the matter of that; Carr was mi
er," said Stephen, "he knew Carr and the cip
hat it all means. We must learn what these ciphers mean Stephen. It is a ser
," replied Stephen
r in his pocket-book, and cut out the notice in the Telegraph. "I say Stephen,
s it on to Bess when
s been put in the newspaper your uncle usually read. Oh, be sure it ha
to read the ciphers. When the train arrived at the Beorminster Station, they were met by F
and insisted that I should meet you here. I have brought a cart, borrowed it from Pentland Co
ming on by a goods train," laughed Stephen. "I have been bu
the portmanteaux on the dog-cart. "Up you
the responsibility of that horse. If I kill it, Corn
d Stephen, "get up
am must have the first place." He swung himse
had engaged a moderate staff of servants, the most indispensable that is; as they left the choice of the others to Stephen. The house had been cleaned from top to bot
e none," said Marsh
bout his suspicions, he might create a sensation. However the time was not yet ripe
ghastly meal which had waited for the dead Colonel. However he was too healthy a man to give way to such morbid fancies, and made an excellent meal. Afterwards he and Stephen had coffee in the library, and as the evening was chilly, Marsh-Carr ordered a fire to be
here soon," said Steph
. However, just as Stephen replaced his watch, one of the new footmen announced the Biffs; not by that name certainly. "Mr. Endicotte, the Miss
over and they were all seated comfortably ro
. But I won't stop short at thanks." And then the presents were produ
so love jewels!" As she spoke she caught the eye of Marsh-Carr fixed significantly on her, and blushed. Sh
ad always wanted a gun and was in the seventh heaven of delight. Bess also was pleased with a bangle. But she would rather have had books. However s
hrown into the society of Bess, who asked him if he had solved the cryptogram. "No, I have not,
e," she said thoughtfully, "several times a cipher like that has been in
id Herrick eagerly. "H
cessary to keep them. They all
this cipher? I wish we could read it. I believe it has some connect
ing at the cutting and the scrap of C
ad sent him to the post-office for the letters and he held one in his hand the only one which had come that day. It
e of the letter Frisco carr
octor, "this is i
ging. I stopped to tell him he ought to be ashamed of himself be
k remembering what Frith had sai
he frightful American slang he used. At times when he was quite sober he wo
fat man w
ut the same age as the Colonel. There was something attractive abou
bout thi
to look for Sidney. I told him that he might lose it since he was so drunk.
y the Chinese paper! I
! Move on One!' I took no notice of the words at the time, but as he had a cipher
inese paper cipher. "Humph! Stephen thought that fifteen I.T.K.X
lonel Carr was murdered in July. Dr. Jim, in
ere are four letters I.T.K.
the cry of Frisco, "that is take
of these four letters. I stands or J, T, for U, K for L, and X in place of Y. Ju
, "and the Colonel was murdered on the tw
write down the alphabet." Bess did this as rapidly as possible as she saw what the
'I can put Z under
tten with misleading letters. You simply take the next letter for th
got. In the Chin
Till 26 July. The
d cipher of the '
Speak to blue clothes, white hat, glove