img The Transient Lake  /  CHAPTER III. IN THE ANDES | 25.00%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1640    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

red Barney, as he glanced over the rail. "Shure, i

guess," said Frank. "At least I hope so. Th

he Celt; "shure av it was to-day she was

n' set yo' island free if yo' wanted to," declared Pomp;

s eyes

ss to thim," he declared. "Shure, they've had the

wrongs, real and fancied, of his native i

e got

t free dey nebber cud govern demselves! Shuah

o aspersions on the ould sod, yez black pickaninny! Shure yez own pe

ings," sniffed Pomp; "dar warn'

, naygur? Don't ye

ral, sah! He was de Preside

ed his nose c

t the President commander-in-chief av the army an' navy?

wilted. He slunk into

etendin' to know so much. I jes

ter hour to decide. For the present

was sighted. The air-ship

nal, which he saw finally upon

a yello

on descended within fifty feet of the roof. U

e ship!"


me aboard. Throw

gh to bear the weight of

mate! C


pon the roof of the building. Then he spr

s was de

equipped fo

ce was startling as well

aptain of forty or fifty years previous. He wore fancy high boots,

rivateering or piratical cruise,

d trouble," he exclaimed. "

and full of sharks and cuttlefish? Keep your eye on your outfit, lad. W

never employ arms until the necessary time

th pirates out in the Maldives, just because the skipper would not carry

uld not

is air-ship is an adjunct of Liberty Hall, so tha

er. But will we wait

" declared Frank; "l

roof. As it soared aloft, the streets below were seen

ties and the delta of the Mississippi, an

the deck of the air-ship,

leveled his long glass

l to pieces," he declared. "The

better than the

You are surer of making port on time. There's no sails to fu

in's logic, and was inc

beats all else. But looking into the future, what shal

n their eastern slope. I think by so doing

identify the Transient Lake i

could never fail to locate it.


follow the basin's cou

we reach the Andes. I shall strike across

eel sure o

hward. In due time the coa

tonio. Frank passed directly over th

well into the tropics. The air was

xciting period seemed to have been reached. Bey

ed the

or of Colombia. The scenery was grand, and o

ntil great dreamy-looking peaks


veins regarded the range of wonderful mounta

eastern slope are peculia

r temples and held their own in battle with the lawless Spaniard, until

t volcano of Guallatieri with 22,000 feet, Titicaca, Vilcanata, Misti and all the monarchs of th

heights in their solemn grandeur were visible only at

find anything to equal this, I'll like to kno

is!" repl

altitudes to prevent bleeding of the respiratory organs or faintness. It was impregnated w

d to travel with impunit

n the high Andes, known as the mountain sickness," said

ot feel the pressure as we would if we stood on the mountain summit or terra firma. The buoyanc

ly among the great peaks. I

s soon tired of it, an

odemus? Is the mysterio

straight line eastward to the head waters of the Paraguay Rive

that direction," said Fra

d. There was a terrific explosion in the dis

t direction which had given the motion

air-ship blazing balls of

air-ship's deck, and she reeled a

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