rom the moment he had first seen Dooley on the
really was, was keen enough t
f, and he did not believe that the captai
er for a moment after this virt
elongs to me. You shall have a fa
that gold you'll see, I can tell you. It belongs t
u w
e a sco
me are a dozen faithful fellows who will do
as now
l!" he gritted. "I'v
way, I am inclined to believe that you are a dangerou
whistle. The resu
nded. Dooley made a quick sign, a
that moment that
inly meant him harm. The
"I'll keelhaul every mother's son of y
elled Dooley. "
ws, which were like the kick of a horse.
was over
uriously. But the odds were too
was e
to have any living man stan
red. Then the v
. First, I want to learn whethe
errogated h
aid, sternly; "how many companio
self," said Beere, firmly. "I
lips. He took a step toward th
mouth. Before I've done with yo
d, though the situation was a serious
is footprints backward along the beach. When they had reac
onishing spec
ectre to see three men aboard her, one of them
Dooley to deci
aid; "how in the world it got away up th
Spectre was an air-ship. He had fa
upon and the capture of the air-ship
had been attending to the routine
ptain's prolonged absence was n
has happened to Beere?
cried Barney. "Phwere d
long dat shore early dis
aid Frank. "We had better set out
ed up his rifle and flu
ney, hastening to join him.
l be back as soon as possible. Reme
at, sah," affirmed Po
walked on until they came upon Nicodemus's trac
re other
azement, "what does this mean? The captain has f
lt was that, after two miles of patient tramping, they ca
wiser and kep
astonished to see Nicodemus tied to a palm tree. A rascally-look
enture forth upon some daring errand
pture of Nicodemus showed that. Was it
ty retreat and give them a hot receptio
demus and saw that
" he reflected; "he can easil
to crouch low in the bus
not long
, set forth to capture the air-ship. This left
of mind. Just as despair was getting a firm gri
ot travel beyond his ears.
isper cam
uraged-we are he
d the captain.
ry Dooley, one of my ship's crew, who has come b
d the tree. He skilfully
kin' at all jest slip into the bushes and cum wid us.
arney," agree
d the suggestion. In the undergr
e palms. They had made several hundred yards before a l
ame pu
eep out of the way. And right
the fugitives next dashed into a copse near. H
But the fate of the air-ship no
epel the attack? But the question was the ne
attle of fire
tack," cried Frank. "N
ur," cried Barney. "Shure, h
more rapid and clear. It was plain tha
of the air-ship would seem certain unless the darky should e
eparing to charge upon him,
. His companions in hiding below sud
"Pomp was on his guard.
ise to Jerry Dooley
fther seeing us," cried Barney. "It's
," said Frank. "Supp
ttery and a steel tube with a pneumatic chamber. H
the air shot a small ball of fire. Up it wen
k, explanatively. "I don't see
ith exultation. "See, shure he
pidly to the spot where the trio stood.
ped not fifty feet from the ground. Then the
to fin' yo'!" he cried w