img Postal Riders and Raiders  /  FOREWORD TO THE READER | 6.67%
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Postal Riders and Raiders

Postal Riders and Raiders

Author: W. H. Gantz
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Word Count: 740    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

do his own thinking, but also a more or less practiced habit of doing it. It is upon such foundation the superstructure of this volume was bu

ntinue doing so, such reader may as well stop at this period. In fact, he would better do so. The man who has his thinking done by proxy is possibly as happy and comfortable on a siding as he would be anywher

t thinkers who think they know because somebody told them so, or who think they have thought till they know all about some unknowable thing-the ratio of th

under conditions of physical distress. The attempts at humor may be attempts only; the irony may be misplaced or misapplied; the spade-is-a-spade style may be blunt, harsh or even coarse to the point of offensiveness. Still, if its reading provokes or otherwise induces thought, the purpose of its writing, at least in some degree, will h

ften but the attractive drapery of planned falsehood, and the beautifully rounded period is often but a "steer" for an ulterior motive-a "tout" for a marked-card game. Do not be a "come-on" for any

and Judge[7] Gary. The senior Mr. Rockefeller, also, has announced, through a representative, that he is on the way. These latter, of course, have been thinkers for many years-thinkers on personal service l

ssly and viciously governed, or results from the fact that the advancing years have brought these gentlemen so near Jericho that they see a gleam of the clearer light

h 1, 1912.

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