img Time Beyond A Dream  /  Chapter 3 Lucid Dream | 6.82%
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Chapter 3 Lucid Dream

Word Count: 1085    |    Released on: 17/01/2021

her left grip, staring at the mud that dirtied her skin. Flipping it over and over. So close to her face that the coin had the

ho found a four-leaf growth were destined for good luck, as each petal in the

ck the coin, the form of the mysterious man had freed himself and journeyed over to the cloverleaf, stirring the growth of powerful root and even blurring at the edg

gain, that sentiment; the dream of her pain.--and a scre

ike she had grown a horn. Uncomfortable,

time it was a slight difference. The man who freed himself and journey over the leaf has a deal with. A face she knew. A face that earns her a shiver and

erine's dream was different. Her daydreams weren't rainbows and bursts of sunshine however he

told her once that there were many theories about dreams that deny they have any considerable meaning at all. Yet

ired to make one? Catherine asked that and somehow her mom would then explain to her that her dreams were non

en broached, unbeknownst to her, Catherine could recall every single dream she had since foreve

ich was something like: to give the movie-goer an exciting, emotional, disturbing, or satisfying experience, and they might

arn to be interpreted and appreciated, as they were much more powerful than she could give them credit for. Catherine tried not to see dreams as just one conscious, but many and not solely within and

ming, so it was particularly easy for her to have an open mind. She believes that there were many possibilities (some stranger than others) of what happens in the state of her consciousness and why was she dreaming of some peculiar places she'd never been before. She had many

sent in parables. That she has to interpret it. She has to seek the meaning beh

as the dream maker or maybe part of her was the dream maker, as Catherine often seems that there was an alternative interp

consideration. It depends on the point of the dream; but if you are dreaming with a person and there is a dream-within-a-dream with a particular situation but related to the same individual, it may mean that there is

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