img Time Beyond A Dream  /  Chapter 5 Cold Mountain | 11.36%
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Chapter 5 Cold Mountain

Word Count: 2076    |    Released on: 17/01/2021

ce was wonderful, a little scary but hell he could manage this, after all, h

g. Plus, the chilling cold winter wind was unnatural in his senses. He wondered if it based these simple e

he has fewer friends and acquaintances, and he was not a good individual, he admitted, whi

lf. He had no one to blame. Aside from the pill he took earlier before going to bed, this was his f

empty magical winter land appeared to him all too normal. He no longer thought

, is it possible to have our r

, and for your sake, I'm confused as well. And I don't perceive what h

alone with my thought until I succum

peak that may seem so familiar to him, yet he wasn't complaining. This cold terrain was amazing. It was as if there was a feeling passing between each living thing, a b

and yawn. This was new. How could she be so sleepy i

object, " he stopped feeling embarras

things he couldn't for the love of God recall where or when did he see it f

if this is the

corrected. How could h

des, then does the patterning of our emotions, and thoughts

amused with that query

cinating by the way! Truth be told, I thought you won't seek me that."

g alone with him in a non-working environment doesn't appeal to him at al

such a hurry? After all, we're here in

e Land of Nod? Why not Drea

it whatever I want" She answered back wi

stood and stretched, his chest m

t not to use her ability, ...ability to slap someone's butt cheek. She amused herself peeking at his behind. Not bad, not bad at all. F

et your pants exci

he ordinary, okay? Don't ask! I don't trust you enough though, s

s this is all new to her. His being here was confu

tell me are we going into that smokey mountain peak or not?" Sean questi

She was not crazy enough to venture there. Why would she? Not only that, but she was used to staying

e what to do next." She trailed off, "besides,

call this all later, as after what happened here, he might believe anythi

cy mountain of Elsa. Wait by any change do yo

ook like I bring a pocket in these pants?" pointing downwards, he

f him in that superman pajamas is by far the most

won't you look at me some twigs, perhaps? I could

it yourself and start a fire. I don't even car

despise him back-and-forth Pajamas or not." Chuckling

t know who Elsa

hrough his lips. Feeling something odd, however, was giving him longin

ery parent, everyone on this planet recognizes her everywhere! So, you don't recognize who is Ola

nswer her back. He i

mation; and who won two Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature and Best Original Song and so

ation lurking on his mind was visibl

" She scoffed facing him and added, "Do you wanna build a snowman?" She suggested, then pa

a little smile visible on his face. Watching her so carefree makes his heart be

boring as hell

o tell you the story, you p

, in the kingdom

elled at her, eyes threatening, the

rgy here in the Land of Nod if she was alone, she'd left already; returned to her bed, with her yellow silky duvet covered her, but No! Not

! Why does her name sound so romantic on his lips? She likes it whe

a lover calling the love of his life when in reali

professional relationship with her, and she knew sh

freezing at all. Unlike her, she couldn't indeed feel her fingers; witho

nd some small useable branches; while him being the Zeus

eeping? He isn't blinking at al

she very slowly carefully walked through the god of the underworld hades-super-yummy-hot himself. Okay, find. Maybe she was exa

okay? You look

important matter in hand? He responded, sighing while walking

match in her pocket in the first place, and, the fire on thi

ng in front of her, taking small steps lost in his though

eeks are amazing! Smiling to herself, she wonders if how

e moved closer to the fire. She shivered and touches her face with both hands, w

ater, she

e'd never heard those sounds before, deafening and

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