l of people toda
barely go to the cafe and that is only if Seokjin took a
be full of boys checking you o
asking some of the employee wanting to know the name of the manager and
actly ten. He wants to do his job well not because he's close friends with the
id to me for answering her question with a
girl who's now sitting on Yoongi's l
d it from Yoon
needs to
is the best." Jimin beamed
at him shaking h
nd it's worrying him since the older can let out a lot of foul words if he w
's shocked when Sora enjoys his company and always wants him over causing him to like the k
without you, guys." Seok
courage. It's emotionally, physical
truggle that he has to face because he's a single father who has all
ause you have to work all day. Seokjin is just thankful that Jimin will let hi
ple always looks after his daughter and is willing to stay with her for the whole day. One time,
baby daddy, hyung." Jimin sai
smirking at the thought
ope for a miracle.
lot of people today but it will surely be full at six in the
following it up already." Seokjin
t him making his way out of the ki
snt need to tell them what they have to do everytime making him nothing to do at work that's w
umber five. Please!" Th
ince the male employee assigned to it is still making
nd looked around smiling as
empty and there's no bag or anything t
as he bumped into someone making the Iced
dnt get any stain but his black leather shoes are n
just, sorry." Seokjin said second
down to wipe the shoes of the stranger bu
see the owner of t
that went suddenly dry upon reali
the man on the picture that Jimin sent last nigh
s bunny smile when the
will still remember his name
you a new one." Seokjin
friend and made his way inside the ki
y the thought of his incredibly hot and handsome ex-boy
of his hands because it's slightly shaking out of ne
r order and please enjoy." Seokjin said pu
ows at how Seokjin is
or awhile?" Jungkook as
d what the younger has said. Why would he reje
e manager?" J
to how the younger knows about it whed you
er lip as he rested his
I should too since the manager is pretty." Jungkook
of them, you are