img Godfather World  /  Chapter 7 A Unique Skill | 13.21%
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Chapter 7 A Unique Skill

Word Count: 1472    |    Released on: 29/05/2021

re famous individuals didn't show their full potential in the starting game. It was a wise decision, and th

and Class B are very far from our reach, even for me. If yo

rincess" who was currently ranked 5. The second was a crazy psychopath, better known as the "Terrorist", wh

nd Sasha shook her head. "Don't need them to know what t

of the Taro family, Zen was more knowledgeable about the differen

same knowledge and education as other heir

Zen was startled by the reaction and became slightly nervous. He felt a tad bit uncomfortable with the physic

eteria. Zen looked around with his heart in his mouth. He

your lady-killer techniques. Yo

he could currently afford. His virtual wallet balance was now 400 credits, and Zen didn't know if he

sed. Zen avoided Sasha's eyes after such intimate contact.

the kitchen eating raw food to fill their stomachs. The school allows anyone to use the kitchen and any ingredients, but we're mostly mafia tacticians and assassins. There's no

a place free for all to use, his e

t be a good fighter, but I have one very unique skill t

became excited and leaned in close enough for Zen to see he

to know, you

es followed them. One by one, these individuals also excused themselves. There was hardly any ent

e Zen and Sasha, who wore the provided training uniforms, Liu Feng wore an elegant qipao that accentuated his long legs crossed beneath the table. From far, he looked like a be

in trouble. Although Liu Feng was not a compassionate person by nature, he didn't tolerate bullying o

Zen paused outside, not daring to go in. Sasha looked at what was making Zen freeze and scoffed. She simply barged in and s

s here! Low rankers get out n

y here knew how to cook, and this could very well be his advantage! It cost too much to buy everyone's character profile cards, an

I use any ingredients i

s widened. "You

ooking simulation games but have not done it in person. I'm not

little trick. According to rule two, all transactions should use credits. There was no mention of trading favours. Would he be able to use food to buy people's

ne must be restocking it constantly. There was enough to feed everyone, and it didn't cost anything. Zen decided to make som

t even know the names of. He looked like he belonged in the kitchen more than in the battlegroun

ished taking out the trash and piled the last unconscious body on top of the neat pile with a casual toss. S

ed students scavenging the kitchen for food earlier returned and waited by the door, stealing

footsteps and turned around, ready to growl

at are you

He could be a model if he wanted to with his effeminate appearance. Those black and long straight ha

ivine. Young chef, is it alright to keep g

ed at the cute reaction as Zen tried to salvage the burger patty he was mak

the See

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