img iGhost You  /  Chapter 4 iHate Hospitals | 28.57%
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Chapter 4 iHate Hospitals

Word Count: 1266    |    Released on: 28/06/2021

ave dragged me down here with my ears. I was soon done at the doctor's office and I came out to the reception to wait for my mom who was still busy with the doctor. I had left

but I couldn't even escape it this time around. I raised up my head and looked to my right, to my surprise it was the last person I was expecting to see that was sitting across the place I was. The only person that tend to take my breath away each time I set my eyes on him. He looked even cuter than the prince charming from a story book. "Kent" I called softly. What was he doing here anyway? It was so early, especially for someone who was at a party the previous night, he should still be cuddling his pillow or trying to get over an hangover. Even Max who left the party early wasn't awake when I left home with her mom. I hoped he was fine. I kept staring at him and it was like my eyes were glued to the whole of his gorgeous body. Kent's eye caught mine staring at him and I felt so embarrassed. He acting caught me looking at him that I couldn't pretend to be looking somewhere else. I smiled at him but he gave me a questioning look in return. He was right to had done that, after all we were never friends and neither had we spoken to each other before. I quickly turned away when I suddenly hears my phone ringing again, I brought out my phone from my purse and saw that it was Emma who was calling me. I stood up from where I was sitting and moved to a more private place at the reception to pick up my call. "Hello" I whispered. "Alex...why haven't you been picking my calls" Emma asked on phone. Her tone seemed off, it was shaky. "I was in the doctor's office and my phone was on silent" I replied. "Oh I forgot to are you feeling now?" Emma asked "I'm fine" "Okay....but I don't think you've heard about what happened " her voice sounded like she was about to throw some bad news. She sounded so worried. "Heard what?" Now I was starting to feel anxious. "Kent was driving drunk after he left the party..." she began but I cut her off before she could say anything else. The mention of Kent sent me over the edge. "Did he get arrested?" Th

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