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Chapter 5 iLove Him

Word Count: 1551    |    Released on: 29/06/2021

id to drive drunk? I muttered to myself. He should know best that it wasn't healthy to drive drunk. He probably couldn't have given that a thought since he was drunk. Drunk people don't know if th

think i will ever be able to love someone like I love Kent" "Oh, don't will. You're just a sixteen year old teenage girl, you're still going to find some many guys to fall in love with" Kim said jokingly. It was hard to believe she could joke about something like that when I felt heartbroken. "Kim! Stop it, this is not the time to make jokes" Emma cautioned Kim. She was beginning to sound mean and inconsiderate. "Uh...i'm sorry" Kim said and sat on the bed quietly. "You don't have to cry, let's just hope everything would be fine. Who knows you might get to tell him how you feel in the future" Emma said. "Probably when you're 60 and your grandkids are also crushing on each other" A familiar voice said by the door way and we all turned our head towards the door. I just knew it could only be my evil twin, Max. He laughed when he saw the bitter look Emma and Kim gave him. He doesn't seemed moved or intimidated by their look. "What is wrong with you, Max? Why don't you ever take anything serious?" Emma questioned. "Maybe it's because i'm hilarious" Max laughed again but so loud this time "I really do not know what you see in that dude, he's a jerk and everyone knows that. He takes nothing serious, not even his life" Max said looking into my already puffy eyes. "I guess you also can't resist his cunning cute face" he shook his head. Emma looked at him with disgust as she squeezed her face at him. "You really are a devil in human form. I so much wonder what kind of girl would end up with you" Emma said. "A sexy and drama free girl....and besides, I'm every girls dream" Max bluffed. What girl would want to have anything to do with a mean person like Max anyway? "Oh yeah? I don't think so" Emma said "Yea...we don't think so" Kim said as she batted her eyes repeatedly. She always did that when she wasn't sure of what she was saying. "Just get out if you have nothing good to say to your sister" Emma said trying to keep her cool. "I'm only here to get the laptop" he walked into the room and head to the small table in my room, he took the laptop that was on the table and walked back to the door. "Adios...." he said before he left my room and slammed the door behind him. "He's such a jerk....a big jerk" angry Emma said as he turned her head back to me. Emma and Kim stayed and tried to cheer me up until they felt it was getting dark and decided to leave. They went out of the room while I also followed them. They met my parents and Jane in the sitting room. "Hello Mr

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