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Chapter 5 I'll break your bones

Word Count: 1659    |    Released on: 15/07/2021

the kitchen. A look of horror, disgust and distaste on his f

d my bro

something horrible, he rubbed his tongue ferociou

" I wasn't totally confused and

d closer to me and sat beside me on the bed " wh

an under

anted to say it tasted delicious

" how do you managed to eat it?

t a soft squeeze " you seeme

fted up his gaze to

" his voice shook like someone who'

hen will you stop acting lik

ou eat such a horrib

ible" I smil

e I could protest, he's already dragging my legs down, he lifted up my

ing me like I'

ng himself a glare from me " well

re sic

before he said " you're the sick one here " he plac


cond before he said " I'll be on my bed

nks d

ed on my face for a second and he licked his low

air and breathed out. He looked so nervous right n

nd he slowly nodded. Of course it would be her that will

n I went to the pharmac

d " you bumped i

umped..." He paused and took in a deep breath " I hit... We hit ourselves" he almost cried when he said the la

ed on a laughter and covered

ed away the sweat that's formed o

I cut in with

about drama quee

n't say

e ? " I smirked and he slowly nodded " c'

e let out another frustrated sigh "

n't believe you

ready to shoot a dagger straight

o help " I coo

polite hand in the air " never

ould take time for him to cr

I was sleepy anyway... Probably the effe

his head " fo

I smirked " I'll go to sleep then " I ducked my head

hell " h

er go to s

y contact with the tiled floor before it died away " don

o to sle

ter than go

do something s

ke that when you neve

? Remember I was here when

t up and l

I won

The voices sounded so familiar and I was half ho

his best friend because he

out of the duvet and there they are, his back on

good! It

own to his hand and he flexed it before he balled it into a

rritating " when a relationship dissolved, one is supposed to

ce of his patience to not hit James " I told you to shut up

lot " Jam

t seems

rising" said Culle

ow what's c

so hard to b

id James. I know he'd be biting his lips now

laugh left his lips " don't push me James

elief sigh, at lea

o " James snarled " you're just

mouthed Cullen " I'm

ey both turned. I crawled out of the bed and stood firmly on my feet... Th

n see the anger brewing in them, the loathing and o

wake " Jam

ation didn't called for a grin, I'd still manage to g

d to Cullen " do you see his

my cousin'


you're not petty when you're also an imp

cut in " sto

yes on me " not even a girl " he turned to Jam

. He lunged to Cullen and grabbed his colla

em yanking James gr

s neck, his face was rather pink and flustered

em making it impossible for James to make an

d flexing his hand " you

ll break y

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