img Lucifer's little girl  /  Chapter 2 Lucifer spare Bella | 22.22%
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Chapter 2 Lucifer spare Bella

Word Count: 299    |    Released on: 20/07/2021

the bone as she bit

d, she felt scared and un

ain"Damon said s

s"Bella breath

er for some minutes and

d still, look

that he is i

nice today w

umbling among themselves while Bella just

he went to the kitche

d?"her friend Mai asked been supr

tead Bella into the frid

asked placing the cupcakes on the tabl


r"Bella said, eating with all her stre

ou mean Lucifer spoke to

eyes and said"i

g sleepy already see you later"Bella

issed Mai on

void telling me the gist" M

you okay"Bella replied and

to her room,her m

place her hands on w

a good mood just

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