img Sandra Belloni -- Volume 3  /  Chapter 7 7 | 87.50%
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Chapter 7 7

Word Count: 3649    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

a Russian stamp, he referred fretfully at times, as if to verify a monstrous fact. Any one could have seen that he was not in a condition to transact

of the sallow-eyed fellow opposite; who quietly glanced, now and then, from the ne

ent the Greek's forefinger), "we must not have a scandal, in ze fairst place. We do not want pity, in ze second. Saird, we must seem to trust him, in spite. I say, yeas! What

his own hemp. He talks of a factory burnt, and dares to joke about tallow! and in

nned Mr. Pericles. "It

he say, 'possible los

ng us. So! shall we

e in his hand at

e's a confounded rascal, and I'll kn

e, not a man! We punish him, perhaps. Well; he is punished. He is imprisoned- forty monz. We pay for him a sossand pound a monz. He

?" said Mr. Pole. "If we trust him at

smoothed his square clean jaw and venomous moustache reflectively. "Not now," he resumed. "While he hold us in his hand, we will not drive him to ze devil, or we go

ve no pretensions to be a capitalist. We ha

pluck. It is your decadence. Greek, and Russian, and Yankee, all zey beat you. For, it is pluck. You make a pin's head, not a pin. It is in brain and heart you do fail. You have

rose from his chair, humming a bit of opera, and announcing, casually

Jump ditches, and do not stop till you are safe home- hein? you say 'cosy?' I hear my landlady. Run till you are safe cosy. But if you are a man wis a

shman's as good as any of you. Look at us-look at our history-look at our wealth. By J

ake ze little Belloni. You will manage all. I have in you, my friend, perfec' confidence. An Englishman, he is honest. An Englishman and a Greek conjoined, zey beat ze world! I

pay their priests for absolution with our money. If you're a double-dyed sinner, you can easily get yourself whitewashed over there. Confound them! When that fellow sent no remittance last month, I told you I suspected him. Who was, the shrewdest then? As for pluck, I never failed in that yet. But, I will see a thing clear. The man who speculates blindfold,

zat I go to Italy." said Mr. Peri

fingers moved about for the letter; and then his mind conceived a necessity for turning to the directory, for which he rang the bell. The great red book was brought into his room by a youthful clerk, who waited by, while his master, unaware of his presence, tracked a name with his forefinger. It stopped at Pole, Samuel Bolton; and a lurking smile was on the merchant's face as he read the name: a smile of curious m

who had been holding deferential w

here then, sir

d, sir,

, when you ought to be doing your work. What do you

t stooping to jest with him. He said: "For that matter

ur ago," returned Mr. Pole,

been somebod

this directory?

ook that I bro


a minute and

slowly. "I could have sworn..." h

nd instantly his right hand struck out, quivering.

fellows. Fetch me a glass of wine and a biscuit. Good wine, mind. Port. Or, no; you can't trust tavern Port:-brandy

the modesty of one whose name has be

Mr. Pole ejaculated seriously. "Braintop! It'll always

ing before, to say that a l

from his chair.

ish, sir, and her name, I think, was

in, immediately. I suspected this. She's in London, I know. I'm equal to her: show

ven to his name, and said that he understood, without any dou

ing timidly in the doorway, his eyebrows lifted, and his hands spread out; and "Well, to be sure!" he cried; while Emilia hurried up to him. She had to assure him that everything was ri

y of refreshments; win

t or drink,"

my dear?" returned Mr. P

not hu

re, at home, abo

gned the sad note to b

" Mr. Pole was beginning to step to t

rious quick speculating look between

ar? You saw me

ted to see

ays. She was thinking of the character of the man she spoke to, studying him, that she might win him to succour the ob

ny day, my dear," said Mr. Po

me here. I cannot speak

heart's throbbing-"you

, do

some talk of it, isn't there? I don't

Emilia, with de


ay! I want


ave England, at least! I want

t contain; and still more, perplexed to hear Emilia's vehement- "Yes! all!" as i

y dear; I like to have you about me. You're cheerful; you're agreeable; I like your smile; your voice, too. You're a very pleasant companion. Only,

Emilia smiled. "I wen


u were a useful little woman. Do have a biscuit and some wine:-No? well, where was I?-That confounded boy. Brainty-top, top! that's it Braintop. Was I talking of him, my dear?

se eyes might be seen that what she had journeyed to speak was hot within her

erhaps he means it himself. He's rich. Rash, I admit. But,


you, yo

at a to

or of the words to her, with an intensity that mad

ike him?" sa

him! not

t you go against your interests. You mustn't be flighty. If Pericles spea

Emilia; "if he married

ogitating; and with the native delicacy of a Briton turned it off i

t her hands on his shoulders,

'm quite satisfied. I was only thinking of you going to Italy, among those foreign rascals, who've no more respect for a girl than they have for a monkey-their brother. A set of

ted her ey

I love y

re a grateful

Oh! how can

ng plagued by them, or to lead him to one, flashed through Mr. Pole. He was not in a state to weigh the absolute value of such a suspicion,

ou've come for, we'll b

ill, don't

ot look w

ting reply confir

here. They'll make me out mad, next. He shall never have a guinea from me while I live. No, nor when I die. Not a farthing

f to wipe his forehead, and

e dusty carpet. She could only suppose that the offending "he" was Wilfrid; but, wh

now he thinks of you anxiously. I know he would do nothing to hurt you. No on

accentuation. "Well, I've heard about women, but I never

ame me, sir. But, I know you will be too kind. Oh! I love him. So, I must love you, and I

wed; and got sharp up from his chair, and looked at himself in

him to her

in his face a frightful effort to compreh

tful as to be tragic, y

mist, and breathing heavily from his nose, almost snorting the air he took in from a

loquence, as the imminence of her happiness or mi

wondered why words should be failing her. "See us

ned out in a tone as from the low

mured: "You will

" bawled t

mean t

mean? I can't understand a word. My brain must have gone;" throwing his hand over his forehead. "I've feared so for the last four months. Good God! a lunatic asylum! and the business

alked up

are say everybody else u

Emilia to say: "You ought to have the doct

ppressive mental fog calmed the awful

got him

, s

, sinking into it, and closing his eyelids. So they remained, Emilia at his right hand. She wa

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