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Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 4292    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

by Mr. Pole. She saw that his lips moved, after a space, and putting her ear down, understood that he desired not to see any one who might come for an interview with h

wet crumpets. I wonder what makes me so stiff. A man mustn't sit at business too long at a time. Su

uth. The liquor revived him. He breathed "ah!" several times, and grimaced, blinking, as if seeking to arouse a proper brightness in his eyes. Then, he held out his empty glass to her,

against her bosom, half under one arm. The action appeared to

lass, and remarked that this s

, as at a reminiscence

spirits are up. I begin to feel myself again. I'll eat by-and-by, my dear. And, I say; I'll tell you what:-I'll take you to the theatre to-night. I want to laugh. A man's all right when he's laughing. I wish it was Christmas. Don't you like to see th

d at them across

If so, we'll go. Girls ought to learn to lau

de Emilia be careful to

ress; for Brai

ct had been finally discovered. He was forthwith commissioned to start immediately and take a stage-box at one of the places of entertainment, where two great rivals of the Doctor genus promi

ow the Bedford Hotel? Go there, and see Mrs. Chickley, and tell her I am coming to dine and sleep, and shall bring one of my daughters. Dinner, sittingroom, and t

owed compr

me in and say "There! go and be jolly." I dare say the rascal'll order a champagne supper. Poor young chap! let his heart be merry. Ha! ha! heigho!-Too m

said Emilia, striving to loo

declared that he intended to laugh them all out of that nonsense. "And what did you say about being in love with him?

ly his wish to be enlightened passed away, for he was the next instant searchin

oat in the room. I wish the Lord Mayor'd stop them all at Temp

ugh the office, he was erect, and the few words he spoke wer

ladies, you know. Different spheres in this world. They mean to be tip-top in societ

" he seemed relieved. "I can't see the harm in a cab. Different tastes

ll the great buildings, and dilated on the fabulous piles of wealth they

t court. Do you see three dusty windows on the second floor? That man there could buy up any ten

, involuntarily examin

gold-linings, in

u are ri

e. Three months ago that man was one of our most respected City merchants. Now he's a bankrupt, and can't show

t he did?"

excused him; then he e

and it snaps. That'll save me; but you're too heavy, and the roots give way, and down you go lower and lower. Lower and lower! The gates of hell must be very low down if one of

feeling her heart fly forth to s

h it," murmured Mr: Pole, with

very cordially by Mrs. Chick

tell her that she was "merely a charge-a ward-something of that sort;" admitting, gladly enough, that she was a very nice young lady. "She's a genius, ma'am, in music:-going to do wonders. She's not o

a condition of drowsiness, that it was hard to make him see why he should be aroused, and when he

, Simon. That's what I want.

d the chief part of the merchant's meal. E

your feet warm, my

nt to talk," Em

are!" I like glees: good, honest, English, manly singing for me! Nothing like glees and madrigals,

ang soft

shed, Mr. Pole ap

usic, m

of the words are so curious, they make me lift my chin and pout. It's all in my throat

o "The Soldier Tired," as he came bendingly, both sets of fingers filliping, toward Emilia, with one of those an

le, to elicit app

he wrinkles of he

little Runningbrook to write a song: "There's not

l," crie

eing internally sounded, and guessed at his probable depth. "What a twitch! Something wrong with my stomach. But a fellow must be all ri

y and get out of this. This'd never do. All very well in the boxes: but on the stage-oh, no! I shouldn't like you to be there. If my girls don't approve of the doctor

and looked mournfully at the drop-scene, as at

who was respectfully devoting his gaze to the box she occupied. When Mr. Pole had been assisted to discover him likewise, his attention alternated between Braintop and the stage, and he expressed annoyance from time to time at the extreme composure of Braintop's countenance. "Why don't the fellow laugh? Does he think he's listening to a sermon?" Poor Braintop, on his part, sat in mortal fear lest his admiration of Emilia was perceived. Divided? between this alarming suspicion, and a doubt that the hair on his forehead was not properly regulated, he became uneasy

s thinking of nothing b


urned Emilia, remembering how hungry she us

Mr. Pole gave Emilia the sound advice: "Min

? His agitated fancy, centred in himself, now decided that some manifestation of most shocking absurdity had settled on his forehead, or his hair, for he was certain of his neck-tie. Br

him to do the same. Mr. Pole gesticulated imperiously, whereat Braintop rose, and requested his neighbour to keep his seat for ten minutes, as he was going into that particular box; an

idance, and from reliance on him. Not that she conceived him designedly base; but he outraged her now conscious delicacy, and what she had to endure as a girl seemed unbearable to her now. Besides, she felt a secret shuddering at nameless things, which made her sick of the thought of returning to him and his Jew friends. But, alas! he looked so miserable-a child of harmony amo

in the orchestra. May I write a word to him

in her desire to do this, replied: "Well,

d his pencil-c

odgings they are to leave word where they go. Sandra never forgets Italy, and reads the papers. She has a copy of the score of an unknown opera by our Andronizetti, an

t to send it till they were about to quit the theatre. Consequently, Braintop, on his arrival, was told to sit down. "You don't look cheerful in the pit," said Mr. Pole. "

recognize her suddenly. She sat boldly in the front, as before; not being a young woman to hide her head where there was danger, and hav

give me a nudge." Emilia kept her eyes on her father in the orchestra, full of pity for his de

leader, with his back to us. Are you sure? I want you to give him this note

might be remembered for a day and no more, the req

ven it into his hand. You are not to

e at the musician's wig

her men, though it is only dance music. Oh, how his ears ar

itated instruments, and Braintop was led

f you can fancy a thread of honey drawn through yo

king the print of her eyes on his brain to dream over, smelt at

ather flicked at his offended elbow with the opposite hand, and sat crumpled up till all had passed him: then went out alone. That lit

at the empty orchestra. A gentleman in the stalls, a head beneath her, bowed, and holding up a singular article, gravely said that he had been requested to pass it. She touched Mr. Pole's shoulder. "Eh? anything funny?" said he, and glanced around. He was in time to see Braintop lean hurriedly over the box, and snatch his pocket

spite of Braintop's protest, and in defiance of his burning blush, he compell

h seeing themselves in their boots, but they-ha! ha! By George! We've got the best fun in our box. I say, Braintop! you ought to have two, my boy

ng testimony to his conceit tickled him. He laughed till he complained of hunger. Emilia, though she thought it natural that Braintop should carry a pocket-mirror if he pleased, laughed from sympathy; until Braintop, reduced to the ver

I wanted! It's worth hundreds to me. I

assist him from the seat. He rose, and staggered an instant. "A sort of reddish cloud," he murmured, feeling over his forehead. "Ha! I know what it is. I want a chop. A chop and a song. But, I couldn't take you

c-house, that he would not yield his hold of the collar of a struggling gentleman, till the villain had surrendered

! to tell me you know not where she is, and you br

their peculiar slang, brought a roar

w," said Mr. Pole

be hurt?"

Mr. Pole, and Emilia cowered down and clun


will consent to be

pire dark appetite-D

re represented by the

the man, and mus

old that I desire yo

ed that he had

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