img The Special Ones Book 2: Hidden Secrets  /  Chapter 3 Three | 23.08%
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Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1071    |    Released on: 07/09/2021


self. I decided to go walk near her to confirm if she's really T

er tears with her hand. "I'm sorry

do you

d to say sorry for being late." I said "Then I saw you h

, there's nothing to

answer and ignored me, I stood there for a minute and I s

-" when I turned around, she suddenly

can help." she said "You can sit

always. The cold is at the right amount, the fog is okay and the sun is not t

ountain, she sighed so deep and saw her biting her lips like she wanted to say someth

I really canno

picture is in your lap, you failed in hiding it from me." I gave her a small smile, she looked at me

nds crazy sometimes. I even heard him praying for you, that one day you'll become his wife and love you fore

me." she said "I'm the on

, so I granted it." she said tears started to fell

g her cry made me hug her t

xie." I said "I


dormitory." I thanked Nanny Lory for preparing my th

ling Crystal but it can't be contacted. "I

my room opening her arms so wi

she gave me a tight hug

sudden plans lately and we went for it." She laughed. "B

s wearing an outfit for wint

an we just we

I mea

ed "He had those abilities that

hands around my arms clinging i

kimchi." she gave me a wide smi

worth it." we went out and go downstairs to the kitchen and saw N

both of yo

ispered at Nanny "She seemed so h


tal." I said "Did som

in the table and sighed. She seems so happy I wonder what happene

" the maid said "Do you exp

who i

sual clothes suddenly entered our home, wearing his expressionle

you here? How do yo

rystal who looked away and goes back to eating her dinner. "So, I wa

e boy." Cr

t you said? Did s

he dining room to outside of my home. His car is waiting in front of the hou

g?" I asked "You're not goi

nd went inside too, she starts the car and drove.

we actual

sked me t

tell yo

en though I didn't

ng at the window and whispered "I ha

t him, his eyes were on the road "

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