img The Special Ones Book 2: Hidden Secrets  /  Chapter 4 Four | 30.77%
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Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 477    |    Released on: 07/09/2021

roducts of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance t



e size meat on my plate "Don't be

p night. The food was prepared just for us two, I took a big bite on my plate

the patties

from his eyes, it's a bit awkward having late dinner with hi

we Terrence picked me up at my house to have a training session with his sister. His

some wounds that are slowly healing with the

you came here." I nodded "That b

racelet on my wrists. "It

yfriend." I looked at him co

" he looked at me "are yo

ly saw him on some pictures of m

t?" I said "You rea

e said grabbing his drink "But grew up abr

rfere with his life. Seeing his face right feels like he's bothere

up "I think I should go home now, so you can rest.

d up "I'm going to drive you home, since

pped and glanced over his sho

said making me confused "I don't want them


ou're with me

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