position. I do not think I will ever get out of this misery, and it may be so much worse now since they are home and I would have to see him when he gets another mate. While I may not, I expect as tr
I plan with another slave girl who is my friend, Autumn, to serve in my place for the breakfast in order to avoid seeing the kings son, Xander. What I didn't expect, would be that he w
kings c
other slaves I can read and write, and the king often has me transcribe and write new scrolls. "Danica! Right on time. Tonight I have a special task for you. You're assigned this twelve page scroll to start." I head over to the desk and quickly begin to translate the scrolls and before I know it's past 11PM. I stand up and stretch and look at the king; "is it fine for m
ooner. I shouldn't have looked at soiled clothing or sandals and made an impulsive judgement. The way her green eyes sparkle and the graceful presence about her I wonder if I don't have my fathers ability, if I'm
hey would love you and protect you with their lives". My heart swelled when he hugged me to him and said in my ear "if you'll give me another chance I will be that person for u". I let him lead me from the king chambers just furt