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Chapter 9 A mates comfort

Word Count: 1177    |    Released on: 15/09/2021

into a ball this 6ft tall man of steel with sharp edges and royal presence looks as peaceful as a sleeping baby. Looking for some contact after the refreshing dream coming after so many

he right direction to lead me to my past," I whisper softly. Sitting back on my feet I smile just a little at the thought of how quickly but wonderfully my

ke a grandmother to me in these years and has protected me fiercely from a lot of the beatings. "Yes, yes child just relax I am here. The Young king called early for all of these garments for you. We just get you dressed and ready for the day ahead!" "But, Loretta, I don't understand. I would still have to fix breakfast of course and complete my daily chores" I respond empathetically. To my surprise the older lady merely smiled with a twinkle in her eye and announced "my dear, you no longer have chores or daily duties! The biggest task for you today is to choose your wardrobe." I think carefully about that before responding. While I don't want to anger or Offend anyone, I feel quite comfortable in the slave dress and sandals. Once I say this to Loretta she nods slowly in understanding. "While you wer


y move past the initial rejection. I know I made a horrible mistake. I stay very still so she won't realize I'm awake and very soon I hear her soft breaths evened out letting me know she's fallen asleep. Moving stealthily so as not to wake her I move closer and rub down the length of her soft hair. It may have been hours later as I sat still awake watching her sleep an

al protection. It doesn't mention, however, how they disappeared or what happened. Some pages are missing and a few show burns and tears as though these pages were meant to be destroyed. I don't know anyone in all the 7 wolf kingdoms that would want to disintegrate an entire pack much less erase the history about them. There must be something else here, that I'm not able to see." I take a few moments to mull over his words and suddenly voice a thought:"could grandfather know anything about this pack? Since he was in power 15 years ago, he would've been the king at the

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