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The Adopted Alpha

The Adopted Alpha

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Chapter 1 The Bullied Alpha

Word Count: 709    |    Released on: 22/09/2021

h she was putting on a hoodie for the same purpose, she still couldn't risk being noticed by anyone, especially her bul

re effort into escap

ha in the world, she was at least th

wering at the thought of being disco

pack. Literally, since she was actual

a rogue accident. She was then adopted by the Alpha and Luna

n an automatic rank upgrade from an unfortu

was beginning to think it was, from

topped as some pair of shoes came into her v

it was her mortal enemy at sc

animal, check. Bullying, check. gang of devoted followers, check. He had it

d apparently the leader of the group

er chin in a tight grip that was

Jeff continue with a sneer that mared his handsome face. She was sure that

the amount of kinks people

rath that morning and get to class on time. "I already gave you

dog!" Jeff swore and

n her body met with the floor. Since she was pr

rise and ran for the staircase to go to the second fl

turned a corner at the end of the stairs and instead of running for her class like they wo

t part of the closet

in the hallway and then voices qu

idn't look and sniff hard enough. One of the perks of being a half wolf

Clare, the footsteps reversed as th

nd heading to her class. Her academics was the one t

ter future and she would not le

library during lunch, but at least



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