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Chapter 3 The stones

Word Count: 1024    |    Released on: 11/11/2021

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olitary candle, which surprisin

that it could choke ordinary humans, lower

one is made up of diamonds and embellished with a skull and animal fur. The second i

.Someone could easily distinguish that they are waiting impatiently for the fifth being. Unannounced, a portal opens revealing

A man in his early 40s inquired. "You know, we don't have enough ti

her vampire speed. With fury and irritation, he grabbed Nemesis and strangled her on the throat while lifting her off the ground with a single hand as if she weighed nothing. The third stone, Deimos, uttered with resentment in

as ever escaped. Secondly, she even butchers all the wolves from Alpha Thane's pack in a few seconds. It seems she is now stronger than we thought. " Nemesis managed to defend herself amidst the

ground for several minutes, coughing hard and trying to take in more air. "Thank you, My lord, Thanatos," Nemesis uttered even though she was still str

opped the use of her power, there is a high possibility that she might not make it out alive. Different thoughts filled her mind, but she couldn't bring herself to ask. Was this some sort of trap or was Thanatos done using her? Or was this another test to see whether she was still loyal or if there was someone more powerful than her that was about to claim the throne? But that is impossible because she makes sure to make the first move on anybody who might b

f not, there is a high possibility that we would have to use another pl

he was sure the other stones had similar thoughts going on in their minds, with a hell of a lot of questions to

all her power." He finally dropped the bombshells. The other stones open their mouths

e same time. Now they know they were all condemned, especially her. Thanatos's voice caught through the thick tension in the cave. "That's why we have to stop her, or else it is game over for


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