img The ancient warrior  /  Chapter 5 Franni and her little annoying brother | 9.43%
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Chapter 5 Franni and her little annoying brother

Word Count: 1064    |    Released on: 11/11/2021

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nfluenced me so extensively. I jerked out of bed and sped toward the window in an attempt to close the curtains, but he used his telekinesis power and placed a stool in my path. I collided with it and landed flat on the ground while he burst into uncontrollable laughter. Sighing in frustration, I stood up gently, rubbing my hand on the spot I used to hit the stool, and dragged my sil

ield, "He elucidated," and I could feel that he was using it to aggravate me.

n why I am trying to dump her, only if I had the power. She loves to irritate me together with Rey, but she ca

her. "Can't you behav

d back at me. "Learn how to respect elders." I

ere is no way she would have ended

ing that I am stronger tha

nk, virus." I bellowed while clicking my tongue in the pr

er than you reckon, and I don't even remember our age a

aration while nodding my head to support my wo

die so we could go our separate ways." "But don't

hates being called weak and any sort of name by an outsider, except by me. Nonetheless, she always makes sure I face the consequences. "Let me show you what it means to be weak." Just roared out. Before Rey could decipher the meaning of those words, my wolf took cont

little bit hurt while po

burn this room again as you both did to the other one

hen I and Junk had some misunderstandings. The idiot burned my stomach and even made me cough out blood in front of my father. It took a hell of an effort and Alpha's interference before she finally released me and I blocked her instantly for about 3

it first," Rey re

ge. If Rey hasn't felt the connection between us going off, then you might as well end up dying now, leaving me in grief. " My father explained it to me. Eve

el's room with hard training." My fat

y for any argument with her again. While my brother and my dad walk out, they are sure he is going to serve




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