img Wanting Damien  /  Chapter 8 Eight | 47.06%
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Chapter 8 Eight

Word Count: 567    |    Released on: 31/12/2021

the bunch of bodies moving together, she made her way through t

, when she reached the front of the bar she orde

ic, the more she danced the more she drank. The feeling of b

t was a really good-looking guy and she felt giddy. W

stranger she put her hands around his neck. His face lowered and as


stopped midway when he saw Damien when

o you have a probl

at she was with you."

upted her dance, "No I'm not with

ed her through the crowd and she was surprised when the

red to stop him when he walked in. The door

as filled with jealousy, and she wa

is eyes onto her

ways D

ou doing wit

"dancing not that it is

was way too close, "What?" Raven aske

make you nervous?

she genuinely was attracted to h

e and cupped her neck and his

ay his voice was cajoling, "Dami



want you

ecially her name, she looked into his eyes and she started

onds he pulled back, but Raven wasn't done, she put her hands aro

her move had taken by surprise not that he didn't welcome her in

w seated o

hapters: www.patr

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