img Suffocate My Love  /  Chapter 8 Pillar strength | 21.62%
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Chapter 8 Pillar strength

Word Count: 2395    |    Released on: 01/02/2022

the right of the intersection.He got off the bed and his boots caressed the floor.As his feet balance

n left his mind as soon as it entered.He touched a lock and ran his hand along its length then sighed smoothly.How is he going to conceal would be easier if the hair was completely black, now what...He looked around the room but nothing useful seemed to come to sight. He walked over back to the bed and he ripped off a long strand of the she

. Because of this structure, what would be considered the stage is the entry of the inn and immediately after walking in through the door there is a counter. To the sides of the c

passed the counter,, he saw a red apple on a basin and he quickly picked it up and he headed out.The outside of the inn was completely different from the interior part.The people on the streets were clustered up and whispering inaudibly while pointing towards to the right of the intersection.Mostly those people were

e hats ,the seller was distracted as he was looking at the somehow center of attraction and gossiping with a civilian.He took out the straw hat a

shed past the corridor he felt a gush of wind hit his face.Adrian came to an abrupt stop as he felt tiny tremors resonate from his core causing his eyes to change color.It was a strange feeling to which he blinked back the effect whilst shaking his head resulting in

f Adrian s tiny frame. He placed one hand on the pillar and with the other hand he swirled his hand in clockwise motions and as he did this a windstorm started to brew near the crowd.He kept looking at the windstorm while momentarily checking the speed of his hand but the audience didn't seem to be moving,he swirled his hand quicker and the storm got

f life.There were a spider web of black veins mapping his entire face to neck as well as arms.Its only horrifying to imagine what the eyes must look like as they are as of now closed.These black veins were visible even from

ser then he would see what exactly they have in common.Just as he was about to throw a seeing pearl near the dead body

ial investigation is

es.The fact that they looked like puppets made it interesting to watch.As soon as they managed to reach the corpse, a medical examiner walked over then squatted near the corpse and began looking at it.The examiner raised his head to one of the guards and gave a nod and with that the guard cast a concealment spell almost like body bag and shadowed the body ,this was to stop further contaminati

oice sounded incredi

the kind that is famed for being vicious.He was wearing the same uniform as always and as always he looks he was walking to the flow of a crystal clear gentle stream falling softly on peebles just after a light rain drizzeli .His soft lips and gorgeous nose seemed incredibly lush.As for his glance, it's almost electrifying,kind of how one would react after touching a hot plate.There is something in the way that Reed looks and how he looks. Despite how pale his skin looks now,it's quite undeniable that to some extent Reed has gotten more handsome compared to the last time Ad

he possibly be..Reed only recognizes the king Adrian not at all this Adrian..What on earth is he goin

rom the heavens to spread good will in the world.However despite how charming Reed sounded ,no one offered a solid answer .Reed walked over near the corpse and drew a spell on the air. And with t

few seconds and then a hollow feeling developed deep in his gut.His suddenly started to feel numb and sweaty, he could feel that his throat had just developed a dry sensation akin to having inhaled incredibly dry air..He half blinked his eyes twice before he decide

.Another foot on another stair made an even louder creak.its quite undeniable that as Reed placed one foot after the other his heart was beating and probably the only thing stopping it from falling out side is his own rib cage..He can't lie that its been a while since he had felt this way. Precisely it's been nearly a mouth since his heart raced this badly which was the night of the wolf howl.After he came back about two weeks ago after lying unconscious in the forest for nearly four nights,the one thing he craved more was Adri

is emptyness was a large lump he found hard to swallow and as soon as he managed to escape people,an avalanche of tears left his eyes.How is it possible that after

o the mystery behind the pillar.Does he truly want to ignite the

ch creaked even more.Only three more stairs b

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