img Suffocate My Love  /  Chapter 9 Sleeping Beauty | 24.32%
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Chapter 9 Sleeping Beauty

Word Count: 1589    |    Released on: 10/02/2022

defied his objective.He rotated his entire body and stormed off the stairs with hi

s seemed to find a way out his eyes..He promised himself that he would handle these surge of emotions maturely but he didn't think it

ting of Reed's heart is replaced by a void. All that is left is a surreal nothingness..In the eight years that he has been at the palace,never had he felt so empty yet overwhelmed.His emotions seem like they are surfing on a wave with its own mindset.The king was nice to him for the first three years but things became different for the last five years..And in these five years all he has

y and held his knees and at this point his tears were starting to feel like hot lava.he didn't stop exhaling heavily.He hung his head loosely whilst closing his eyes and as he raised his face he placed hi

't come and see him..He rotated his upper body for a fraction of a second to peek and then retracted it.As soon as he r

pillar and he watched Reed s vulnerable display of emotions.Adrain has seen Reed cry so many times but all those times Reed had his back turned to Adrian.Adrain knows that Reed doesn't open up to anybody so he just bears the suffering alone and sometimes i

y so the best thing is to pretend that he didn't hurt, that is by drowning all his feelings.He stood up straight and he w

that's when heemerged from behind the pillar.There was not a single person on site, they had all raced to the scream.He descended the stair

crowd. As soon as one person saw Reed , he shifted out of the way and everyone else followed en suite.He straddled all the way to the center , where the body was encircled by the imper


e opening them again. He squatted next to the corp

male who is balling her eyes over there, says that her mother was alive two to three hours ago.She says her mother chased a man outside becau

iner.The examiner signaled with his head to a girl who was leaning her head in an elderly woman.The

questioned.An imperial guard no

me to recall what exactly happened", The guard spoke really softly and he could tell his method was effect

w okay",she s

could disappear and your mother will not get the justify s

wiped her already

continue she sobbed once more.The elderly lady next to

uden secretly getting bored of this o

ak and at this point her voice

nging on to him like she was asleep so her hair hung over her beautiful face like feathers.It was very odd but it appeared

is the lady

back at the inn because the man in the cloak had

nn..This created such a swirl of wind that the dust blinded everyone..Just as everyone shielded their eyes and lower

ut to land the next blow Reed caught her fist mid air and sent her backwards.He stood between Ming and

band?Look what he did to my mother!!", b

ically protecting the 'woman' on the ground..Ming lost her strength and just col

found the said woman


y from the floor still keeping his head lowered.He raised up with his g

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