gly handsome in his glossy tights, close-fitting sack-coat, tinsel belt and low shoes with buckles of gold. T
sician's words that he could not rally from his despondency. His suit fitted his figure
in through a long corridor, "if we are on our way to the st
see them pass. The men all had suits like those which had been given the
did you ever dream of such perfect features and physiques? Every face
or Captain Tradmos turned
rn," he said, and he we
think we are?" pursued Th
, and he shuddered as he looked down the long
e was ob
a hungry man's stomach. Look at that big tree, not a leaf is moving, and yet every breath I draw is as fres
bled the American. "Look how the crowd is gapin
you ever have rheumatism? I wish I had 'em; they wouldn't put me to death-they would make me the chief attracti
examination meant some
an slapped his friend pl
remember what that medicine man said, I have made up my mind that
ell 'em about Chicago and the Fair, and ask to be allowed to ride in their Ferr
e a flying machine. It rose gracefully and glided over the ground and settled at their feet. It was large enough to seat a dozen people, and there was a little glass-wi
owed by the moody American. "Let up on the ague," jested Thorndyke, nudging his friend with his elbow; "if you k
he remark, smiled as he leaned toward the window and g
and a woman over this route several years ago and both of them were in a d
we are at home in them," said the Englishman
os in his soft voice. "They can't be compared to this mode of travel,
ely asked the Engli
n below the long lines of people were silently waving their hats, scarfs and handkerchiefs as the machine swept along over their heads. As they rose highe
attention to the wonderful pinkish haze which lay over the vi
d cold, etc.; this is the only known country where the winds are subjugated. I have never been in your world, but from what I have heard of it I am not anxious to see it. Your atmosphere and climate are so changeable and so diverse in different localities that I have heard your people spe
ker non-plussed, but the cap
here now," said the Englishm
d every moment, and every ye
to the usual high standard, it is owing to neglect o
the American incredulously. See
lung, but who had two sound ones when he was cut open. Well, the king sent him to China, or America, or some such place, and he wheezed himself to death in a week by your clocks. The weather was
asked Thorndyke, feeling that he was
is it l
s if to ascertain that they were going in the right direction,
do you know where you
of admiration broke from the Englishman. The color of the sunlight was changing. From east to west within the entire arc of their observation rolled an endl
nlight?" said Tradmos,
nything like
nk, the same col
on rai
notonous-too much samenes
ween white and y
een, and at noon red. The afternoon is divided up in the same way. The first hour is green, then follow y
peaking for the first time and in a
stand," laughed Thorndyke
me they have had no solar trouble, but some of the old people tell horri
le?" said the Eng
is particularly fond of noting their surprise, and, above all, their approval. People usually come here of their own accord through the influence of our secret force of agents all over the earth, but you were brought because you
nce," apologized
explaining the situation,
to the right?" asked Thorn
y be watching us with glasses. I have taken a liking to you, and some time, when I get the opportunity, I shall g
ugh the circular glass of a little cupola on top. Thorndyke smiled at Johnston, but the Americ
ile of white marble, with many golden domes and
e adventurers felt the car sweep round in a curve that threw them against each other, and the next moment th