img The Lord's Weakness  /  Chapter 3 No.3 | 3.66%
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Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1331    |    Released on: 27/01/2022

ueen stared at

look at Myan, "the queen and I are goi

d her head and hurried to

xtremely slow strides towards the gates as they waited for

m like it?" Kassy

macy only." Alice reminded her. When there was no res

r kingdom?" Kassy trie

ried to men from other kingdom so

n returned with three hefty me

queen's servant standing behind her queen. The guard

r a second?" Kassy looked over her s

ssy took a few long strides so they were ahead of

a man of my choice." Kassy began. It took e

g." Myan said. That wiped


erytime you converse to save you the grace o

yways, Achu is the man of my choice

It was a few steps before they got to the

he world of water, you can't make t

end he's from here." Kassy s

red. "They want to what kingdom he is f

e sure that they believe he doesn't h

. O

yan stopped walking so the queen could catch up. They looked around and confirmed that the st

Kassy put her ha

y?" The queen turned to loo

have news that the lord has been visiting the kingdoms lately. Thes

to her mouth. "Could this mean he is v

guard answered. "It's not impossib

resence and expects us all to be out of his way while he makes it here."

d of the world of fire was the most supreme creature in the world. He ruled over the kings of al

of his strength but she h

a demon." Kassy shuddered, standing beside her m

hoing voice called from aroun

, their feet were stuck

here at once!" She tried failingly to tak

" Myan tried to reach for h

k with every new step. It was like a thousand elephants t

ed her head against the floor, "spare us, we h

e loud steps ceased. "Turn aro

trol their walking and th

m. He looked like an ordinary man. How

too much oil on it, and at shoulder length. He had a faded brown tank top on and his free bla

His voice no longer had echoes but it was deep and

eard voices so I..." he trailed off and widene

ed approaching her. How could he re

y a few inches away. She reopened t

stared at

The queen put her arms around Kassy's

utiful. He held her waist and drew her clos

move away from him. She could feel his member

ssy snapped, disre

fraid and so

the nape of her neck. She moaned in that instant,

this one. I will be here tomorrow to see the king, tell h

ut before she could argue, h

een cried after h

d at her hair, "I'm doomed, m

about. She could easily say no, couldn't she? "Don't cry fourth princess, yo

e in anger. The poor servant held

ord!" He gets what he wants." Kassy fell t

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